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Q: Who does Abigail blame for calling the devil?
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What is Mary Warren's reaction to Abigail's performance?

In "The Crucible," Mary had been told by John Proctor that she should tell the truth about Abigail's manipulation of the girls. As a result, Abigail goes into a "possessed by Satan" performance, claiming to see Mary in the rafters. The other girls follow Abigail's lead and do the same. Frightened, Mary turns against John, calling him "The Devil's Man."

Who is to blame for the fight between Tybalt and mercutio?

The devil is to blame. Really.

When Abigail is questioned by reverend hale who does she blame what proof does she offer by the book the crucible by arthur miller?

When Abigail is accused of witchcraft, she is quick to blame Tituba. She says that Tituba influences her spirit to make her laugh in church.

Is the devil calling for Amy?

Yes, I am in it

Why is Abigail Williams to blame for the hysteria of the Salem witch trials?

Abigail is to blame for the witch trails because if she, and her cousin Betty and seven other pre-teens and teenagers, didn't act like they were being bewitched then 20 innocent lives wouldn't have been killed EDIT: Abigail is not nesscessarily to blame. Only a portion of the theories as to the cause of the bewitchment could place blame on the girls' shoulders. Many portray them as victims of poisoning or physical or mental illness.

Why did Abigail confess?

Abigail confessed to dancing with the devil because she knew she were in alot of trouble so she lied and blamed the whole situation on Tituba and start saying names of the people she supposedly saw with the devil.

Why does Abigail blame tituba for the incident in the woods?

Because she want to keih lot with John proct.

What does it mean if you got a triangle on your hand?

If you do it you are calling the devil into your body

Why do people blame the devil for evil?

Because they refuse to accept responsibility for their own actions.

What is Mary warren reaction to Abigail's performance?

She panics and says that John made her tell them that. That he forced her and is of the devil.

Why did Abigail Williams say she was a witch?

If this is in reference to the Crucible, then she had confessed to a witch after she saw Tituba coaxed into "conffesing" to seeing the devil. When Hale asked her if there were any others she saw with the devil, Abigail gained the idea of confessing, so that she could say that she saw Elizabeth Proctor with the devil. (Whom she wanted dead because of her love affair with John Proctor)