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Lewis Cass was the Democrat defeated by Taylor in 1848.

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Q: Who did Taylor defeat in the US election in 1848?
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Who won the US presidential election of 1848 and what was their position on the issue of slavery?

In the US presidential election of 1848, Zachary Taylor of the Whig Party won the election. Even though he was a slave owner himself, he did not want to expand the practice further into the West.

Who did Zachary Taylor run up against for president?

Taylor ran against Lewis Cass of US Senator from Michigan in 1848. The election was in November of 1848; Taylor took office in 1849.

What year was Zachary Taylor elected as president of the US?

Taylor was elected in 1848.

What President wont the first election held on the same day in all states?

General Zachary Taylor, part of the Whig party and led US forces in the Mexican American War, won the election of 1848. Every state held the election on the same day except for South Carolina.

Was General Zachary Taylor President?

Yes he was.Yes, he was the 12th US president, elected in 1848 as a Whig.

In 1847 who did General Zachary Taylor lead the US in war against?

I believe it was Mexico. Because the Mexican-American war was from 1846 to 1848.

What year did the US defeat the Mexicans in the Mexican American War?

The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo which ended the Mexican American War was signed on 2 February 1848.

Who was Zachary Taylor's rival in the US Army during the Mexican war?

General Winfield Scott. President Polk replaced Taylor with Scott because he feared that Taylor was becoming more popular than him and would win the next election.

When did the us army fight the Mexican-American war?


Who did Aaron Burr defeat to become a US senator from New York?

Aaron Burr won election to the US Senate from New York in 1790. His opponent was Philip Schuyler, he was Alexander Hamilton's father in law.

Who is the Author of the popular sovereignty?

The term of popular sovereignty was not coined by Senator Stephen A. Douglas. It was coined by Senator Lewis Cass of Michigan He ran as the Democrat for the US presidency in 1848. He lost to Zachary Taylor.

Was John Quincy Adams reelected?

No -John Quincy Adams was not re-elected He became the 6th US President in 1824 and lost an overwhelming defeat to Jackson in the election of 1828.