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The men could only be citizens in ancient Greece, no women. They had to be over the age of 18 and could never have been a slave. They also would had to of had parents who were both born in Athens

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15y ago

They didn't vote. Pharaoh was god and they did what he said. For example, in the reign of Amenophis IV/Akhenaten, the capital city was completely uprooted and moved to a different location, against the will of most of the common people.

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13y ago

The idea of democracy started in Athens, Greece in about 400-300 BC. The citizens of Greece were aloud to vote for their leaders and laws; much like the United States current democracy. The only catch is only men were considered citizens. That means women, children, and slaves did not get to vote.

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8y ago

The best example of voting in ancient Greece occurred in Athens, where they had a version of democracy-- but participation was limited to only adult male citizens who owned land and were not slaves. Women, men too poor to own land, and anyone in bondage could not vote.

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15y ago

Only Roman citizens could vote. Women and slaves were not allowed to vote and neither were freedmen (former slaves) although their children could.

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12y ago

In ancient Rome, there were classes of citizenship. A citizen of the first class had the right to vote. They voted annually under their tribal system.

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9y ago

Only individuals regarded as citizens can vote in the Athenian democracy.

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8y ago

For the most part the right to vote in the ancient Greek city-states was a right for males of proper age. Females were not leaders or voters in ancient Greece.

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14y ago

Athenian Male Citizens

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Male citizens.

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Q: Who could vote in Roman Republic elections?
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Citizens of the Republic of Ireland can vote in elections there. Someone from Northern Ireland who is not a citizen of the Republic of Ireland does not have a vote in an election in the Republic of Ireland. Someone from the Republic of Ireland who is living in Northern Ireland and is still on the registrar of electors in the Republic of Ireland can vote there.Citizens of the Republic of Ireland can vote in elections there. Someone from Northern Ireland who is not a citizen of the Republic of Ireland does not have a vote in an election in the Republic of Ireland. Someone from the Republic of Ireland who is living in Northern Ireland and is still on the registrar of electors in the Republic of Ireland can vote there.Citizens of the Republic of Ireland can vote in elections there. Someone from Northern Ireland who is not a citizen of the Republic of Ireland does not have a vote in an election in the Republic of Ireland. Someone from the Republic of Ireland who is living in Northern Ireland and is still on the registrar of electors in the Republic of Ireland can vote there.Citizens of the Republic of Ireland can vote in elections there. Someone from Northern Ireland who is not a citizen of the Republic of Ireland does not have a vote in an election in the Republic of Ireland. Someone from the Republic of Ireland who is living in Northern Ireland and is still on the registrar of electors in the Republic of Ireland can vote there.Citizens of the Republic of Ireland can vote in elections there. Someone from Northern Ireland who is not a citizen of the Republic of Ireland does not have a vote in an election in the Republic of Ireland. Someone from the Republic of Ireland who is living in Northern Ireland and is still on the registrar of electors in the Republic of Ireland can vote there.Citizens of the Republic of Ireland can vote in elections there. Someone from Northern Ireland who is not a citizen of the Republic of Ireland does not have a vote in an election in the Republic of Ireland. Someone from the Republic of Ireland who is living in Northern Ireland and is still on the registrar of electors in the Republic of Ireland can vote there.Citizens of the Republic of Ireland can vote in elections there. Someone from Northern Ireland who is not a citizen of the Republic of Ireland does not have a vote in an election in the Republic of Ireland. Someone from the Republic of Ireland who is living in Northern Ireland and is still on the registrar of electors in the Republic of Ireland can vote there.Citizens of the Republic of Ireland can vote in elections there. Someone from Northern Ireland who is not a citizen of the Republic of Ireland does not have a vote in an election in the Republic of Ireland. Someone from the Republic of Ireland who is living in Northern Ireland and is still on the registrar of electors in the Republic of Ireland can vote there.Citizens of the Republic of Ireland can vote in elections there. Someone from Northern Ireland who is not a citizen of the Republic of Ireland does not have a vote in an election in the Republic of Ireland. Someone from the Republic of Ireland who is living in Northern Ireland and is still on the registrar of electors in the Republic of Ireland can vote there.Citizens of the Republic of Ireland can vote in elections there. Someone from Northern Ireland who is not a citizen of the Republic of Ireland does not have a vote in an election in the Republic of Ireland. Someone from the Republic of Ireland who is living in Northern Ireland and is still on the registrar of electors in the Republic of Ireland can vote there.Citizens of the Republic of Ireland can vote in elections there. Someone from Northern Ireland who is not a citizen of the Republic of Ireland does not have a vote in an election in the Republic of Ireland. Someone from the Republic of Ireland who is living in Northern Ireland and is still on the registrar of electors in the Republic of Ireland can vote there.

What is republic state?

A republic state is a state that relies on their citizens to vote who they want to vote for like the elections we have. We are a republic state.

Why were unhappy with the government of the Early Roman Republic?

They could not vote or hold government office.

What are some similarities between the roman and the US republic?

the u.s. can: •vote • has a senate as the roman republic did too

Who in the roman republic had the right to vote and become a consul?

The patricians had the right to vote, as did the plebeians and equites and all the Roman citizens of the first class. Rome was a republic and all citizens could vote, depending on their class of citizenship. As far as becoming consul, anyone could run for the office providing he had completed the other offices leading up to consulship. In the later republic there was a law that one consul had to be a plebeian.

When rome was a republic who was allowed to vote?

Only male Roman citizens of the first class were allowed to vote in the Roman republic.Only male Roman citizens of the first class were allowed to vote in the Roman republic.Only male Roman citizens of the first class were allowed to vote in the Roman republic.Only male Roman citizens of the first class were allowed to vote in the Roman republic.Only male Roman citizens of the first class were allowed to vote in the Roman republic.Only male Roman citizens of the first class were allowed to vote in the Roman republic.Only male Roman citizens of the first class were allowed to vote in the Roman republic.Only male Roman citizens of the first class were allowed to vote in the Roman republic.Only male Roman citizens of the first class were allowed to vote in the Roman republic.

Why is the Roman republic better than the Roman empire?

Probably because it was possible for everybody to vote. The USA's government was based off of the Roman republic.

Is the republic ruled by the people?

If you mean the Roman Republic, it was nominally ruled by the people, but one man did not have one vote. The Roman voting was done by blocks and one block had one vote.

Whose vote is most important in an ancient roman election?

There was really no "most important" vote in Roman elections as different officials were elected by each voting assembly.

What did the Romans do that failed?

The Roman republic fell because of the greed, corruption, and vote buying by the powerful families. The Roman politicians of the late republic used their offices to enrich themselves instead of for the good of the state.

When did primaries have a significant role in elections?

The primaries have a significant role in the elections because when people vote they will think what they did and what they said when they were campaining and that could alter their vote