If a seat in the US Senate becomes vacant before the end of a term, a replacement Senator is selected according to the law of the particular state involved. Some states use a special election and some have the state governor appoint a Senator to complete the unexpired term.
If there is a vacancy in the Senate the Governor will appoint a temporary senator until the next election.
The 17th amendment of the U.S. Constitution specifies that when a vacancy occurs in the U.S. Senate, the Governer of that state shall appoint a temporary Senator to fill the vacancy pending the next election.
If the senator in question belongs to the President's party, he probably can block the appointment of judges he does not like. Otherwise, not so much.
Her name was Hattie Wyatt Caraway of Arkansas and she was appointed to fill the vacancy caused by the death of her husband Senator Thaddeus Caraway. In 1932 she won her own election.
State Senator
The President pro tempore
Since 1914, each U. S. Senator is elected by the voting public of his/her state.
I know 1 senator New York is Senator Charles J Fuschillo
they take the biggest dump in the world and out of the dump comes the new representative.
Article I of the US Constitution provides that is there is a vacancy in the representation of a state in Congress, the "Executive Authority shall issue writs of election to fill the seat vacated. Generally, this means the Governor chooses the replacement.
The application must be endorsed by the state Senator of the district in which the applicant resides, or in the case of a nonresident employed in Pennsylvania, be endorsed by the Senator of the district in which the applicant is employed. In the event of a vacancy in a Senatorial district, the Senator of an adjacent district should endorse the application.