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The U. S. Congress.

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Q: Who besides the state legislatures must agree if two states or one large state wish to form a new state or states?
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What conflict did the framers resolves by choosing a bicameral legislature?

Large and small states could not agree on the size of Congress.

What challenges did the promoters of the commonwealth system face?

Promoters petitioned state legislatures for assistance. Legislatures granted special charters, rights, and laws to private companies to promote economic growth and the market economy. As a large and undeveloped nation, the United States lacked an efficient transportation system, and needed to raise large amounts of revenue to fund infrastructure improvements.

Which plan did both large and small states agree upon when creating the great compromise?

The virginia plan and jersey plan!

What was decision to create 2 house legislatures?

The Great Compromise, aka the Connecticut Compromise was when the large and small states agreed to form a bicameral legislature (legislature with two houses), which resulted in the formation of the US Senate and House.

Why did differences between states cause problems of repesentation in the new government?

The small states would never agree to a purely representational form of government. They foresaw the annexation of small, ineffective states as the populations of the large states continued to grow and their influence waned.

What are two geographic features of the West besides mountains and valleys?

Two geographic features of the West besides mountains and valleys are deserts and plains. Deserts like the Mojave and Sonoran cover large areas of the western United States, while plains such as the Great Plains stretch across states like Montana and Wyoming.

How did the large state and small states come to agree on two houses in Congress?

The "Great Compromise" between the large States and Small States was that there would be a Bicameral House. Witch meant that there will be two houses one for the large states and one for the small states. One of the houses was called the Senate and the Other House Of Representatives ( House Of Reps ). The Senate Was giving to the Small States witch was for the equal right they wanted . The House Of Reps Was giving to the big states with gave them what they wanted the votes by population especially with 3% of the slaves they had.

How large a parcel will couriers agree to take overseas?

Couriers will agree to take as large of a parcel overseas. This mostly depends on how much money you are willing to pay and how much they are willing to get from you.

In 1928 what gang was large and powerful besides the Italian Mafia?

The Irish mob was one of the, if not the most powerful, OC gang in the United States around the year of 1928 and controlled large parts of the American Eastcoast, especially Boston and New York city.

What other large cities besides Newark in New Jersey?


What are 2 large cities in Russia besides moscow?

AnswerSt.petersburg and Novosibirsk.

Did the Virgina plan favor large or small states?

Large states