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Vice President, then Scretary of State. Currently, under the Obama Administration, Vice President Biden would be "next in line" for the presidency, followed by Secretary of State Clinton.

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Q: Who are the first two people in order of succession if the president cannot complete his term?
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Who would be the first two people in order of succession if the president cannot complete his term?

In order: The Vice-President, and the Speaker of the House.

What is the plan called that names the people who become president if something happens to the president?

The order of Succession

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What is the plan called that name the order of people who become president if something happens to the current president?

The United States presidential line of succession

What happens if a President and VP dies And the rest of the people in the line of presidential succession from Speaker to the last one DO Not constitutionally meet the requirements to be president?

There are 17 people in the succession list. The possibilitity that none of them would be qualified to be president is so remote that it has not been considered. If all of the cabinet were foreign born, somebody would surely notice and Congress would add to the succession list. If not, the process for choosing a new vice-president would be hastened and he would immediately become President upon confirmation.

List the succession to the presidency in case of an emergency?

Succession doesn't happen unless the president dies. but to answer your question, the first four people after the president are: 1: Vice President, if he dies then: 2: Attourney General, if he dies then: 3: Speaker of the house of representatives, if they die: 4: Secretary of Defence of the initial president before people started dying

Who are the 3 people in line behind the president?

The Presidential line of succession starts out like this: Vice president Speaker of the House President pro tempore of the senate Secretary of State

What is the succession of President?

"Succession of the President" is the order in which other people are to take that office if the President dies or is unable to perform the functions of the office.

What was the purpose of the twenty fifth amendment?

if the president dies or leaves office, the vice president becomes president. Then the new president then chooses another vice president. Both the senate ant the house of representatives must approve of the choice. it also gives the vice president a role in determining whether a president is able to go back to work(Clarify the presidential line of succession.)

Why was US involved?

involved in what? you must complete your sentence or otherwise, people cannot answer it.

What do people have that they cannot vote for a president?

jail time, mental retardation, no head

What does it mean that the Vice President is and only is a heartbeat away and from the presidency?

People say that the Vice President is "only a heartbeat away" from the presidency because the vice president is first in the order of succession. If the President's heart should stop beating, the Vice President takes over the office.If the president dies or otherwise become incapacitated, the vice-president becomes president.