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Yoplait Light Raft commercial: Sarah Kozinn (see USA Today 8/13/07.

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Q: Who are the actors in the yoplait yogurt commercial?
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What yoplait yogurt is in a blue packet?

There are 16 types of Yoplait yogurt. There are 3 types of Yoplait yogurt that has blue packaging. The three yogurts in the blue packaging are, Yoplait Light, Yoplait Greek 100, and Yoplait Simply Go Gurt.

Who is the actress in yogurt commercial at dry cleaners?

Margo Martindale is the actress in the Yoplait Yogurt dry cleaners commercial. She's from Jacksonville, Texas, and has been acting professionally since 1987.

What does yoplait mean?

Yoplait is a tradename for various yogurt products.

What are the benefits of yoplait light?

Yoplait light is a low fat yogurt. It contains less fat that normal Yoplait yogurt as well as other low fat brands of yogurt. The main benefits of Yoplait light have to do with its lower fat content.

What products does Yoplait makes aside from yogurt?

Yoplait does not make anything else besides different kinds of yogurt. They currently offer Greek yogurt, baby yogurt, squeeze yogurt, and yogurt with fruit/granola.

Who is the actor in the yoplait light commercial?

There have been numerous actors and actresses in the Yoplait Light commercials over the years. A couple of the actors were Sarah Kozinn and Lisa Kudrow.

Is yoplait yogurt glten free?

NO deffinitely not!!

Where is Yoplait yogurt made?

New Mexico

Is Yoplait for girly girls or can tomboys and boys eat it too?

if u mean yoplait as in the yogurt, then its unisex. yogurt is meant for everyone to enjoy because that is its purpose.

Where can you buy pineapple yoplait yogurt in indiana?

the market

Who is actress in yoplait yogurt cleaners commercial?

Traci Dinwiddie She is the "bookend" of the spot, happily lounging in the big, funky chair while eating Yoplait plus. She is NOT Traci Dinwiddie, nor is she the same actress from the previous Yoplait commercial in which the husband in rooting through the refrigerator for pies. I believe the actress in the seamstress commercial is named Jennifer R Morris. She also appears in a Verizon Wireless commercial as well as off Broadway plays.

Does Coupon Suzy have any coupons for yogurt?

Coupon suzy has a large variety of coupons including those for yogurt. Currently there is a $0.40 off coupon for Yoplait when you purchase a total of six yoplait individual yogurt cups.