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The 15 cabinet positions :

The Attorney General (head of the Department of Justice)

Secretary of Defense (once called Secretary of War),

Secretary of Homeland Security (Newly created during President G.W. Bush's Term)

Secretary of the Treasury

Secretary of Transportation

Secretary of the Interior

Secretary of Agriculture

Secretary of Health & Human Services

Secretary of Veterans Affairs

Secretary of State

Secretary of Education

Secretary of Labor

Secretary of Commerce

Secretary of Housing & Urban Development

Secretary of Energy

*For the current individuals in these positions, see the related question below.

*For the cabinet deparments, see the related links.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

The 15 cabinets are the Secretaries of: Agriculture, Commerce, Defense, Education, Energy, Health and Human Services, Homeland Security, Housing and Urban Development, Interior, Labor, State, Transportation, Treasury, and Veterans Affairs, and the Attorney General. The Vice president is also involved in the cabinet.

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Q: Who are the 15 members of the president's cabinet?
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How is the presidents cabinet selected?

Presidential Cabinet members are appointed by the president with approval of the US Senate.

Do most members of the cabinet come from the presidents political party?

Yes, as a rule.

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Presidential Cabinet members are appointed by the president with approval of the US Senate.

What is the body of members who help manage all the departments of the executive branch?

the presidents cabinet

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How many positions are in the presidents cabinet?

When George Washington was President, there were four cabinet positions. As of 2002 there are fifteen:Secretary of StateSecretary of the TreasurySecretary of DefenseAttorney GeneralSecretary of the InteriorSecretary of AgricultureSecretary of CommerceSecretary of LaborSecretary of Health and Human ServicesSecretary of Housing and Urban DevelopmentSecretary of TransportationSecretary of EnergySecretary of EducationSecretary of Veterans AffairsSecretary of Homeland Security

What is the total number of Cabinet Members under the president?

The total number of Cabinet Members under the president varies over time and can be adjusted by the president. As of 2021, there are 15 executive departments in the United States, each headed by a Cabinet Secretary, making a total of 15 Cabinet Members.

Who becomes president if the president and vice presidet die?

The speaker of the house. Then if he or she dies the members of the presidents cabinet in order of when the cabinet position was created.

Who makes the appointments to the presidents cabinet?

The President chooses the cabinet members and his selection must be confirmed by the US Senate before they take effect.

What is the length of a term in the presidents cabinet?

They serve at the pleasure of the President. He can dismiss them at any time. Cabinet members do not have term limits