

Best Answer

Daniel Gonzalez

Charles Manson

Robert Maudsley

Ian Brady

John Straffen

Ted Bundy

Mary Bell

Jeffrey Dahmer

Adolph Hitler
Charles Milles Manson

Theodore (Ted) Robert Bundy

Jeffrey Dahmer

I think Scott Peterson was classified as such\

////I'm sorry, but I would not have given Ted Bundy a diagnosis of ASD. He had no impulse control problems, and did not fit the other requirements to be diagnosed with ASD.


Daniel Gonzalez

Charles Manson

Robert Maudsley

Ian Brady

John Straffen

Ted Bundy

Mary Bell

Jeffrey Dahmer

Adolph Hitler

Neal Peart

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16y ago

Princess Diana. She had a borderline personality disorder.

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Q: Who are some famous people with personality disorders?
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What are the personality disorders in the movie Moonstruck?

Some of the personality disorders portrayed in the movies include anger, anxiety and distress. Personality disorders affect how people think, feel and relate with others.

What are some misunderstandings of multiple personality disorders?

People don't take it seriously.

What are some books with true accounts of bizarre personality disorders?

A book with good reviews about personality disorders is 'A Life in Pieces'. Another book with a variety of true disorders is 'Bizarre Diseases of the Mind'.

Are some personality disorders associated with lying and stealing?


Different Types Of Personality Disorders?

Personality disorders are a group of serious mental disturbances that affect the life of sufferers and their loved ones. Personality disorders are notorious for the damage that they do to relationships. This is a brief overview of major personality disorders. There are effective treatments for all of these disorders, though it can be extremely difficult to convince those with personality disorders to seek treatment. Avoidant Avoidant personality disorder is manifested by the avoidance of social situations due to a sense of extreme inferiority. Borderline personality disorder People with this disorder are impulsive, lack a cohesive sense of self, and struggle to maintain relationships. They are often in and out of relationships and in turmoil when dating someone. Histrionic personality disorder People with this disorder try to get attention at all costs, no matter how odd the scheme might be. There is a history of extreme emotionality that is inappropriate. Narcissistic personality disorder When someone has this type of disorder, they have a feeling that they are better than others. Their belief if their abilities are usually much grander than the abilities that they actually have. Causes of personality disorders can be biological and genetic or social. Each person’s circumstances are different and there is no one definitive cause of personality disorders. What is known as that it’s usually a combination of biological and environmental factors. Each of these disorders is treatable, yet they are some of the most difficult to treat disorders because people with personality disorders typically don’t realize there’s anything wrong with them. Narcissists don’t understand what they’re doing wrong. People with borderline personality are unable to perceive their actions as irrational. The result is that people with these kinds of disorder frequently go without help for years until they’ve suffered from the other repercussions of the disorder, which is frequently substance abuse or violent episodes, for some of the disorders. When someone is diagnosed with a personality disorder, there will be therapy available to help them form a more cohesive personality with more realistic expectations and beliefs about the self. Feelings of inadequacy, or grandiosity, will be replaced with a more middle-of-the road view of self that is healthy.

Would mistrust be a mental disorder or a personality disorder?

Mistrust is a feature of both certain psychotic disorders, for example, paranoid schizophrenia, and some personality disorders, for example, paranoid personality disorder, schizotypal personality disorder, and schizoid personality disorder. In some cases the symptoms of those who suffer the above named personality disorders can become so severe that they can suffer brief reactive psychosis, particularly paranoid personality disorder. These people are very wary of others, to the point that they become isolated for fear that others want to harm them in some way. Personality disorders do not respond to psychiatric medications as readily as psychotic disorders do, and in many cases, particularly in paranoid personalty disorder, if the sufferer is in therapy it takes months or years for them to really begin to build trust in a therapist, and they are constantly analyzing everything the therapist says or does, looking for any reason not to trust the therapist anymore.

Are personalities hereditary?

Personality disorders are usually caused by trauma, usually some sort of abusive family background. This makes personality disorders harder to treat than mood disorders, which respond to medication. You can't inherit or pass on a personality disorder, but I would question the wisdom of even thinking of having a relationship with someone who has a personality disorder.

What movies or films will be of good use for studying personality disorders?

Some good movies and films for studying personality disorders are "Gone With the Wind" (narcissistic personality disorder), "Funny Girl" (narcissistic personality disorder), "Girl, Interrupted" (borderline personality disorder), "The Godfather" (antisocial personality disorder), and "Wall Street" (antisocial personality disorder).

Do personality disorders run in families?

Yes it does, although it can skip generations.

Are some personality disorders associated with stealing?

yes. kleptomaniacs get the urge to steal things.

What other emotional disorders exhibit some sociopathic characteristics?

Psychopathy, Antisocial Personality Disorder, Asocial Personality Disorder, Narcissistic Personality Disorder and Borderline Personality Disorder are probably the closest. Some sources do not differentiate among some of these and sociopathy.

What are some special disorders?

If you mean mental disorders there's manic depressive disorder (bipolar disorder) anti-social personality disorder, multiple personality disorder, schizophrenia, depression, anxiety, and there is also autism.