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* 431 BC: Funeral Oration - Pericles * 399 BC:'Apology of Socrates - Plato * 330 BC: On the Crown - Demosthenes * 63 BC: Catiline Orations - Cicero * 30 AD: Sermon on the Mount - Jesus * 632 AD: The Farewell Sermon - Mohammed * 1095: Council of Clermont - Pope Urban II * 1588: Speech to the Troops at Tilbury - Elizabeth I of England * 1601: The Golden Speech - Elizabeth I of England * 1613: Death Speech * 1630: City upon a Hill - John Winthrop * 1633: Galileo's Renunciation - Galileo Galilei * 1741: Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God- Jonathan Edwards * 1775: Give me liberty or give me death- Patrick Henry * 1789: Speech to the House of Commons - William Wilberforce * 1796: Washington's Farewell Address - George Washington * 1801: Jefferson's First Inaugural Address - Thomas Jefferson * 1803: Speech from the Dock- Robert Emmet * 1814: Farewell to the Old Guard - Napoleon Bonaparte * 1823: The Monroe Doctrine - James Monroe * 1851: Ain't I A Woman? - Sojourner Truth * 1858: House Divided Speech - Abraham Lincoln * 1860: Giuseppe Garibaldi's 1860 speech to the soldiers - Giuseppe Garibaldi * 1861: Cornerstone Speech - Alexander Stephens * 1861: Lincoln's first inaugural address - Abraham Lincoln * 1862: Blood and Iron - Otto von Bismark * 1863: Gettysburg Address - Abraham Lincoln * 1865: Lincoln's second inaugural address - Abraham Lincoln * 1873: Susan B. Anthony's 1873 speech on women's right to vote - Susan B. Anthony * 1877: Surrender of Chief Joseph - Chief Joseph * 1893: Honoré Mercier's April 3, 1893 speech - Honoré Mercier * 1896: Cross of Gold speech - William Jennings Bryan After 1900 * 1900: Acres of Diamonds - Russell Conwell * 1901: Votes for Women - Mark Twain * 1906: I warn the Government - F.E. Smith * 1906: The Man With The Muck-Rake - Theodore Roosevelt * 1910: The Man in the Arena - Theodore Roosevelt * 1913: Wilson's First Inaugural Address - Woodrow Wilson * 1915: Ireland unfree shall never be at peace - Patrick Pearse * 1917: War Message - Woodrow Wilson * 1918: Fourteen Points - Woodrow Wilson * 1924: Happy Warrior Speech - Franklin D. Roosevelt * 1932: A Fear For The Future - Stanley Baldwin * 1933: Passage of the Enabling Act - Otto Wels * 1933: The only thing we have to fear is fear itself - Franklin Delano Roosevelt * 1934: Every Man A King - Huey Long * 1936: Address to the League of Nations - Haile Selassie I of Ethiopia * 1936: Rendezvous With Destiny - Franklin Delano Roosevelt * 1939: The luckiest man on the face of the earth - Lou Gehrig * 1939: Broadcast to the nation - Neville Chamberlain * 1940: Arsenal of Democracy - Franklin Delano Roosevelt * 1940: Appeal of June 18 - Charles de Gaulle * 1940: Blood, toil, tears, and sweat - Winston Churchill * 1940: We shall fight on the beaches - Winston Churchill * 1940: This was their finest hour - Winston Churchill * 1940: Never was so much owed by so many to so few - Winston Churchill * 1941: Four Freedoms speech - Franklin Delano Roosevelt * 1941: What is an American - Harold Ickes * 1941: A date which will live in infamy - Franklin Delano Roosevelt * 1942: Quit India speech - Mahatma Gandhi * 1943: Do you want Total War? - Joseph Goebbels * 1944: The D-Day Prayer - Franklin Delano Roosevelt * 1944: Paris liberated - Charles de Gaulle * 1945: Imperial Rescript on Surrender - Hirohito * 1946: Sinews of Peace (aka the "Iron Curtain Speech") - Winston Churchill * 1947: Tryst with destiny - Jawaharlal Nehru * 1948: The light has gone out of our lives - Jawaharlal Nehru * 1949: Four Point Speech - Harry Truman * 1949: The light on the hill - Ben Chifley * 1950: Man will not merely endure, he will prevail - William Faulkner * 1952: Checkers speech - Richard M. Nixon * 1953: History Will Absolve Me - Fidel Castro * 1956: On the Personality Cult and its Consequences (aka the "Secret Speech") - Nikita Khrushchev * 1956: We will bury you - Nikita Khrushchev * 1957: Longest speech in the United Nations - Krishna Menon * 1959: There's Plenty of Room at the Bottom - Richard Feynman * 1960: Wind of Change - Harold Macmillan * 1961: Eisenhower's Farewell Address - Dwight D. Eisenhower (see also military-industrial complex) * 1961: Ask not what your country can do for you - John F. Kennedy * 1961: Wasteland Speech - Newton Minow * 1961: Mouseland - Tommy Douglas * 1962: Duty, Honor, Country - Douglas MacArthur * 1962: Rice University Address - John Fitzgerald Kennedy * 1963: Segregation Now, Segregation Tomorrow, Segregation Forever - George Wallace * 1963: I am prepared to die - Nelson Mandela * 1963: We all breathe the same air - John Fitzgerald Kennedy * 1963: Ich bin ein Berliner - John Fitzgerald Kennedy * 1963: I Have a Dream - Martin Luther King Jr. * 1964: The Ballot or the Bullet - Malcolm X * 1964: A Time for Choosing - Ronald Reagan * 1964: Speech at the United Nations in 1964 - Ernesto "Che" Guevara * 1966: Day of Affirmation - Robert F. Kennedy * 1967: Vive le Québec libre - Charles de Gaulle * 1967: Time to Break Silence- Martin Luther King Jr. * 1968: I've Been to the Mountaintop - Martin Luther King Jr. * 1968: Remarks on Dr. Martin Luther King's Assassination - Robert F. Kennedy * 1968: Eulogy for Robert Francis Kennedy - Edward M. Kennedy * 1968: Rivers of Blood speech - Enoch Powell * 1971: This time the struggle is for our freedom - Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman * 1971: Address to the Women of America - Gloria Steinem * 1973: The great avenues will open again - Salvador Allende * 1974: Richard Nixon's resignation speech- Richard M. Nixon * 1981: Robert Badinter's speech against the death penalty - Robert Badinter * 1983: The Evil Empire- Ronald Reagan * 1987: Tear down this wall - Ronald Reagan * 1987: Today and forever - Robert Bourassa * 1988: Sermon on the Mound - Margaret Thatcher * 1989: Gazimestan speech - Slobodan Milošević * 1990: Geoffrey Howe resignation speech - Geoffrey Howe * 1992: Culture War speech - Pat Buchanan * 1996: I am an African - Thabo Mbeki * 1997: Remarks upon the death of Diana, Princess of Wales - Tony Blair * 2000: John Paul II's speech at Israel's Holocaust Memorial - John Paul II * 2001: 9/11 Address to the Nation - George W. Bush * 2002: Notre maison brûle et nous regardons ailleurs - Jacques Chirac * 2003: Let us not forget that having won the war, one has to build peace. - Dominique de Villepin * 2003: Iraq War eve-of-battle speech- Tim Collins * 2004: 2004 Democratic National Convention keynote address - Barack Obama * 2005: Steve Jobs Stanford Commencement Speech 2005 - Steve Jobs * 2006: "Chocolate City" speech - Ray Nagin * 2008: Apology to the Stolen Generations - resolution by the Parliament of Australia, delivered by Kevin Rudd * 2008: A More Perfect Union (speech) - Barack Obama * 2008: Barack Obama election victory speech 2008 - Barack Obama

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