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The Governor of each state or the Mayor of Washington DC is the one who signs the Certificate of Ascertainment, the official list of the electors appointed by the state or DC. In each state each ticket (each pair of a presidential candidate and his vice-presidential running mate) has its own slate of electors, a group of people totaling the full number of electors the state may appoint who are usually chosen by the political party and who have pledged to vote for the party's candidates. In most states and DC the ticket that receives the most popular votes statewide in the General Election gets their whole slate of electors appointed. In Maine and Nebraska only two electoral appointments in each state are based on the statewide popular vote, and each additional appointment is based on which ticket gets the most popular votes in each congressional district. Since adopting this method in 1972, however, Maine's two congressional districts have always voted the same, so all of Maine's votes go to one ticket in every election anyway. In fact, the only time that Maine has EVER split their presidential or vice-presidential electoral votes is when one of Maine's nine electors at the time voted for the Andrew Jackson/ John C. Calhoun ticket in 1828. Nebraska has been using this method since 1996 but has only actually split their votes once. In 2008 the McCain/Palin ticket got the most popular votes statewide and in two of Nebraska's three congressional districts. In the other district the Obama/Biden ticket got the most popular votes. So the Governor appointed four electors from the Republican slate of electors and one from the Democratic slate.

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9y ago
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11y ago

55 electors are appointed by a simple majority of the registered voters of California.

38 electors are appointed by a simple majority of the registered voters of Texas.

29 electors are appointed by a simple majority of the registered voters of New York.

29 electors are appointed by a simple majority of the registered voters of Florida.

20 electors are appointed by a simple majority of the registered voters of Pennsylvania.

20 electors are appointed by a simple majority of the registered voters of Illinois.

18 electors are appointed by a simple majority of the registered voters of Ohio.

16 electors are appointed by a simple majority of the registered voters of Michigan.

16 electors are appointed by a simple majority of the registered voters of Georgia.

15 electors are appointed by a simple majority of the registered voters of North Carolina.

14 electors are appointed by a simple majority of the registered voters of New Jersey.

13 electors are appointed by a simple majority of the registered voters of Virginia.

12 electors are appointed by a simple majority of the registered voters of the State of Washington.

11 electors are appointed by a simple majority of the registered voters of Massachusetts.

11 electors are appointed by a simple majority of the registered voters of Indiana.

11 electors are appointed by a simple majority of the registered voters of Tennessee.

11 electors are appointed by a simple majority of the registered voters of Arizona.

10 electors are appointed by a simple majority of the registered voters of Missouri.

10 electors are appointed by a simple majority of the registered voters of Wisconsin.

10 electors are appointed by a simple majority of the registered voters of Minnesota.

10 electors are appointed by a simple majority of the registered voters of Maryland.

9 electors are appointed by a simple majority of the registered voters of Alabama.

9 electors are appointed by a simple majority of the registered voters of Colorado.

9 electors are appointed by a simple majority of the registered voters of South Carolina.

8 electors are appointed by a simple majority of the registered voters of Louisiana.

8 electors are appointed by a simple majority of the registered voters of Kentucky.

7 electors are appointed by a simple majority of the registered voters of Oklahoma.

7 electors are appointed by a simple majority of the registered voters of Connecticut.

7 electors are appointed by a simple majority of the registered voters of Oregon.

6 electors are appointed by a simple majority of the registered voters of Iowa.

6 electors are appointed by a simple majority of the registered voters of Mississippi.

6 electors are appointed by a simple majority of the registered voters of Kansas.

6 electors are appointed by a simple majority of the registered voters of Arkansas.

6 electors are appointed by a simple majority of the registered voters of Utah.

6 electors are appointed by a simple majority of the registered voters of Nevada.

5 electors are appointed by a simple majority of the registered voters of West Virginia.

5 electors are appointed by a simple majority of the registered voters of New Mexico.

4 electors are appointed by a simple majority of the registered voters of Rhode Island.

4 electors are appointed by a simple majority of the registered voters of New Hampshire.

4 electors are appointed by a simple majority of the registered voters of Idaho.

4 electors are appointed by a simple majority of the registered voters of Hawaii.

3 electors are appointed by a simple majority of the registered voters of Montana.

3 electors are appointed by a simple majority of the registered voters of South Dakota.

3 electors are appointed by a simple majority of the registered voters of North Dakota.

3 electors are appointed by a simple majority of the registered voters of Vermont.

3 electors are appointed by a simple majority of the registered voters of Delaware.

3 electors are appointed by a simple majority of the registered voters of Wyoming.

3 electors are appointed by a simple majority of the registered voters of Alaska.

3 electors are appointed by a simple majority of the registered voters of the District of Columbia.

2 electors are appointed by a simple majority of the registered voters of Nebraska.

2 electors are appointed by a simple majority of the registered voters of Maine.

1 elector is appointed by a simple majority of the registered voters of the 1st federal congressional district of Nebraska.

1 elector is appointed by a simple majority of the registered voters of the 2nd federal congressional district of Nebraska.

1 elector is appointed by a simple majority of the registered voters of the 3rd federal congressional district of Nebraska.

1 elector is appointed by a simple majority of the registered voters of the 1st federal congressional district of Maine.

1 elector is appointed by a simple majority of the registered voters of the 2nd federal congressional district of Maine.

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15y ago

They Get Selected By The Parties Offical , And Leaders

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How do the electors cast their votes?


What percentage makes a majority vote?

A simple majority, more accurately called a plurality, can be any percentage as long as it is the highest percentage of votes. An absolute majority is usually any number of votes that is more than 50% of all votes cast, but there are variations. For example, the US Constitution specifies that to win a presidential election, one needs not just a majority of the votes cast; the winner needs the votes of a majority of the appointed electors. So if all 538 electors are appointed but only 270 of them vote, 100% of the 270 votes are needed to win.

What are college votes?

* Electoral College votes are the votes of the Electors in each state. when we vote, it's called the Popular Vote. You can find the amount of electors your state has by this: Each state has 2 senators+ the number of representatives your state has= the amount of state electors you have. The electors cast the final votes for the election.

How many electoral votes did Delaware have when it joined the union?

Delaware had three electors in the first presidential election. Each elector was allowed to cast two votes in those days.

How does the Electrol College work?

The Electoral College is made up of 538 electors who cast votes to decide the President of the United States. When the citizens of the United States vote the electors in the electoral college receive those votes and vote for the person chosen by that states people.

Presidential electors cast their electoral votes in December in their hometown?


Presidential electors cast their electoral votes in December in their hometown.?


What is the month in which electors cast votes for president and vice president of the United States?

It was in December

What part do electors play in naming a new president?

The electors are the people who actually elect the president. When the people vote for the president, they are actually choosing the electors who will cast the official votes for president.

Who counts the Electoral College votes are?

The Electoral College does not meet as one body, but rather the electors for each state meet in the chamber designated for that purpose in each state. In most states, the electors meet in that state's legislature building. The electors of each state follow their own rules of procedure, whereby an appointed secretary usually counts the votes cast orally. However, technically there are 51 different procedures (50 states + District of Columbia).

What does amendment 23 say?

Amendment 23 says that U.S. citizens in the District of Columbia can vote for the Electors who formally vote for President and Vice President. Before Amendment 23 was passed, those who lived in Washington, D.C. could not cast votes for these Electors. Today, the District of Columbia gets three electoral votes.

Who are the group of people that cast official votes to elect the president called?

This group is called the electoral college; its members are called electors and the votes it casts are called electoral votes.