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Trump is a Child Predator, he is attracted to his daughter, Homophobic, Racist, Lier, Obese, Hunched back, a orange troll, Balding, All those who stand in his path he ignorantly answers that has no value, judgmental, his IQ is lower than Forrest gump, Takes credit, Sex trafficked children below the age of 2, Friends with the all In-Famous Jefferey Epstein which is another known Sex trafficker, He has murdered people before but has gotten away with it with his money, Snooty like a Karen but a male version known as a Kevin that is very rich in a gross way, His Reaction Time is Terrible and could have saved upon thousands of lives during a pandemic when it all started but ever since he didn't take it serious, he suggested we drink bleach to cure COVID-19, In the 1970's he refused to Rent for Black causing almost all black people to be homeless, He didn't abolish police that were patrolling around causing everyone trouble but since people that are white and white privelaged they can pull of something but now when there black people around there is stupid thumb like police officers patrolling around FCKING KILLING THEM which boils my blood more than anything in this pathetic world so black people don't get a chance or have the right to live so Trump did not abolish the police to save Black People like that is so messed up and also in history the Police was designed to control black and brown slaves known as the slave force which after slaving was ended for good they renamed slave force into police force and secretly controlling anyone who is darker skinned which is really fked up,

Side Note: Who ever is Hearing this whether it is a KKK Cult Member or leader, Trump Supporter, Organized religion Member or leader, Karen or Kevin, or a White Supremist is hearing this better Fking change sides becuase if you think your good person well you downright wrong because if you want to be on sides with a leader that is all of the things i mentioned about trump better see a therapist or a phycologists before you start becoming a serial killer becuase it's not normal because no one in the right mind would have a grudge against someone who is different in color. It's almost as creepy becuase it's like you or they want everyone the same like a clone well face it no one is the same as you because everyone is different because that's what makes us unique so what are you gonna do about this comment that is all true are you going to say something that it ignorant and dumb but short like an insult or something becuase you better come with a good reason for why trump is a good leader after what i have told you and is all true so bring it on all of those people i mentioned at the top of my side note either join us or rot in hell with trump so if you stand your ground you better be fking scared because the darkest of pit of hell is going to swallow you hole so don't keep the devil waiting and all parents that are telling their children about how bad black and brown people and if so you are very bad parents and put their child in a position to hate people that are different in physical appearance and your teaching them to hate people because that is not what i call parenting I call that ignorance and they are going to grow up weird or just confused and depressed becuase that is not human so don't brain wash and emotionally damage your child to do something you white supremist oh and if you continue this man i hope you die and any generation at this point and is young I'm so sorry for how much confusion you parents and guardians brought you and no one is the same and i wish i could change that but that is out of my control so what i can do is say I'm sorry and tell you how much you have been lied and everyone should be equal becuase if your parents tell you all the bad things about people that are different in color leave them and abandon them as soon as possible because there not human becuase humans don't fight about who is different because it's dumb and ignorant and if you don't believe me trust me when you die you will know the truth what lies ahead and possibly forgiven and also most of our religion is modified and cannot be trusted and our religion tries to make you believe in something and stay on the one path as everyone who is with in that religion but why not choose your own path instead of going on one path that is good becuase what ever you've been told in religion is likely been all false and you can't choose for you self so choose your own path because there are upon billions even infinite paths you can choose and still be good.

This is all for what i have to say, thanking for reading

Also if you going to say F you or something insulting that is just embarrassing and yet ignorant becuase you have nothing else to say LOL

oh and off with a topping #Black_Lives_Matter

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Daily Beck

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Dominic Wills

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3y ago
its going to be joe biden i hope so i don't like the trump wall
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Lvl 1
3y ago
fu** you. I wish Trump won

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Dominic Wills

Lvl 2
3y ago

biden should be it i hate trumps wall

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Lvl 1
3y ago
fu** you.

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