only Two presidents have been tried
Two presidents. Cater and Bush Sir
Millard Fillmore and Andrew Johnson.
Actually there have only been 44 presidents including Barack Obama.
There have been four presidents that have won Nobel Prizes. These presidents are Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, Jimmy Carter, and Barack Obama.
There has been only two democratic presidents elected since Ronald Reagan, they are Bill Clinton and Barack Obama.
All of the US presidents have been men. There have been no female presidents.
Two U.S. Presidents have been impeached, Andrew Johnson, and Bill Clinton. Johnson and Clinton were acquitted at trial. From Wikipedia.
The reason that there have been four more U. S. Vice Presidents than there have been U. S. Presidents is due to the eleven Presidents who did not have just one Vice President. Four Presidents, Tyler, Fillmore, A. Johnson and Arthur, had no Vice President (a 4-VP shortage). Six Presidents, Madison, Lincoln, Grant, Cleveland, McKinley and Nixon, each had two Vice Presidents (a 6-VP surplus). One President, Franklin Roosevelt, had three Vice Presidents (a 2-VP surplus). Six extra plus two extra minus four short equals four extra.
There have been 12 presidents.