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separate treatment based on race is inherently unequal

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Which statement aligns with the supreme court’s ruling in brown v. Board of education?

separate treatment based on race is inherently unequal

What theme of geography is best described by the following statement?

Please provide the statement so I can determine which theme of geography it aligns with.

What is the anagram for aligns?

aligns lasing signal

How do you check your thesis statement?

To check your thesis statement, ensure it is clear, specific, and focused on a single main idea. It should be arguable and present your position on the topic. Evaluate if the rest of your paper supports and aligns with your thesis statement.

When you enter a number in a cell it aligns on the?

It aligns to the right.

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What do you need to know to decide whether this statement is correct?

To decide if a statement is correct, consider if it aligns with factual information, evidence, and logical reasoning. It's helpful to verify the sources of the statement, assess the credibility of those sources, and analyze the context in which the statement was made. Critical thinking skills and a diverse range of perspectives can also aid in evaluating the accuracy of a statement.

Does aligns exists?

Yes, alignment refers to the positioning or adjustment of elements in a straight line. In computer science, alignment can also refer to defining memory addresses at which specific data types should be placed.

This is the power of the Supreme Court to decide whether or not a law is constitutional or not?

The power of the Supreme Court to decide the constitutionality of a law is known as judicial review. It allows the Court to interpret the Constitution and determine if a law aligns with its provisions. This authority helps to ensure the protection of individual rights and the balance of power among the branches of government.

Not necessarily true when talking about higher education?

The value of a higher education can vary depending on individual goals and circumstances. Factors such as field of study, career prospects, personal interests, and networking opportunities can all influence the value of pursuing a degree. It's essential for individuals to carefully consider their specific goals and assess whether higher education aligns with them.

If the majority of people said the statement is true then is it true?

It depends on whether the statement is subjective (opinion) or factual (verifiable). If a majority voices the same opinion (e.g. abortion is wrong), it doesn't necessarily make it true - or false. If the same people say the earth is flat however, that is not true.

What should you do when refining and polishing a thesis statement?

When refining and polishing a thesis statement, ensure it is specific, debatable, and focused. Revise it to clearly convey the main argument of the paper, and make sure it is supported by evidence from your research. Lastly, check that it aligns with the overall purpose and direction of your paper.