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George W. Bush is a member of the Republican Party.

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Q: Which party is George Bush from?
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What political party does George Bush belong to?

The political party of George Bush is The Republican Party. Both of the Bushes are Republicans.

Who was bush political party?

George H.W. Bush and his son George W. Bush are members of the Republican party.

Polical party of George W. Bush?

George W. Bush belonged to the Republican party.

What democrate party was George Bush the senior part of?

George Bush is and has been a member of the Republican party.

What party was George W Bush from?

The Republican party - he was born a republican !Both George Bushes are Republicans.

What is George Bush's Party?

George W. Bush is a member of the US Republican party.

To what political party does president George W. Bush belong?

George W. Bush (43rd President) is a Republican, as is his father George H. Bush (41st President).

What was George Bush's political party?

The Republican Party

What party is George Herbert Walker Bush?

Bush is a Republican.

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What political party does George W. Bush belong to?

George W. Bush (43rd President) is a Republican, as is his father George H. Bush (41st President).

Who was nominated for presidency by the Republican Party in 1988?

George H Bush......for A+ students Socorro High Bulldog Pride