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The House of Representatives must vote to impeach the individual and the Senate conducts the trial. Impeachment is not a conviction, but similar to an indictment in a criminal matter.

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Q: Which part of the Legislative branch conducts impeachment trials?
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Who conducts impeachment trials?

The Senate

Which branch of congress is responsible for the impeachment trials?

The House of Representatives has this responsibility and power.

What body could hold trial impeachments?

The Legislative Branch for government trials and the Judicial Branch for public trials.

What branch of government oversees all military trials and legal businesess?

The Legislative Branch.

What branch of government is involved in trials and judgment?

The Judicial branch conducts trials and sentences convicted persons.

Which US governmental body has the sole right to hold impeachment trials?

Congress. Specifically the Senate. The House is the body that votes whether to Impeach or not. The Senate, if the vote in the House was for Impeachment, then conducts the actual trial.

Where will trial take place with the exception of impeachment?

Trials take place in federal courts. Trials for impeachment are held in the US Senate.

What kind of court cases can the US President not interfere with?

The US President can't interfere with any court cases without breaching the separation of powers outlined in the Constitution. The Judicial branch has sole authority over adjudicating cases.Perhaps you're thinking of Senate impeachment (or removal) trials. The Legislative branch (Congress) has exclusive authority over impeachment proceedings, which is a process by which government officials may be removed from office. The House of Representatives files articles of impeachment (formal complaints), then votes to determine whether there is sufficient proof to send the case to trial in the Senate. The Senate conducts a trial, then votes to decide whether the official should be removed from office.

What is said of senate in regard to impeachment?

they serve impeachment trials

Who conducts trials for juveniles?

your mother

What is said of the senate in regard to impeachment?

gee i dont know

What is the main job of each government branch?

Executive branch - runs the country, enforces the laws Legislative branch - makes the laws Judicial branch - interprets and applies the laws: settles legal disputes, typically in court trials