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The Congress is the Legislative Branch. Its main function is to make laws. It also oversees the execution of these laws, and checks various executive and judicial.

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B. The US Congress

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Q: Which of these is a legislative branch A the US President B the US Congress C The Supreme Court and lower Courts?
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Is the president executive judicial or legislative?

The President is part of the executive branch, and Congress is part of the legislative branch. Courts, such as the Supreme Court, are part of the judicial branch.

Are the three branches in the republic?

The three branches are Congress (Legislative), Executive (President) and the Judiciary (Supreme court and lower courts)

What are the three branches in your republic?

The three branches are Congress (Legislative), Executive (President) and the Judiciary (Supreme court and lower courts)

Is the president and courts part of the government?

Yes. The govenment is broken up into 3 categories Executive (The President), Legislative (Congress), and Judicial (The Supreme Court.)

Helps Congress exercise its power?

the Legislative courts help Congress exercise its powers.

What do the Congress the presidency and the courts compose?

The three branches of the US Government. Congress = Legislative, The President = the Executive , The Courts = Judicial.

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The three levels of government created by the constitution were?

Not three levels, three branches the three branches were/are: the executive (president), the legislative (Congress) and judicial (Sumpreme and inferior circut courts)

What branch is the congress in?

Legislative branch Legislative branch = Congress Judicial branch = courts Executive branch = President and cabinet

Name on branch or part of govement?

Congress, Legislative, President, executive, the courts, judicial

What is a branche of the government?

There are 3 branches- Legislative, Judicial, and Executive. Congress, Courts, President.

What are 3 three branches of the government?

The three branches of law are the Legislative, the Executive, and the Judicial. In the US, these are the Congress, the President (and his cabinet) and the courts, including the US Supreme Court.