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A high rise building

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An overpass

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Q: Which of these areas would serve as the most effective roadside IED observations point?
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What are two areas that would serve as the most effective roadside IED observeation point?

a highrise building; an overpass

What 2 areas would serve as the most effective roadside IED observation point?

an overpass and high rising building

Identify two areas that would serve as the most effective roadside IED obeservation point?

an overpass/ a high rise building

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An overpass A high rise building

Identify two areas that would serve as the most effective?

Effective areas that can serve as opportunities for business success include engaging in targeted marketing strategies that resonate with the target audience and implementing innovative technology solutions to streamline operations and enhance customer experiences. These areas ensure a strong competitive edge and sustainable growth for businesses.

What area would serve as the most effective roadside IED observation point?

an overpass and high rising building

Identify two areas that would serve as the most effective roadside IED observation point?

A High-Rise Building An Overpass

Identify two areras that would serve as the most effective roadside IED observation point?

A high rise building an overpass

What would serve as the most effective roadside IED observation point?

High rise building

What are the two areas that would serve as the most effective IED observation point?

a highrise building; an overpass

What does upper quartile mean?

The upper quartile is the 75% point of the variable. That is, it is the point with 75% of the observations below it and 25% of the observations above it.

Two areas that would serve as the most effective roasdside IED observation point?

an overpass a high rise building