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Treaty reinsurance is costlier as it deals with the entire risks involved in the contract between the insurerReinsurance comapny) and insured(primary insurer) whereas facultative reinsurance deals with individual risks involved.

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Q: Which is more costly treaty or facultative?
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What is the opposite of facultative?

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1.Depends upon whether the mutualism is facultative a. Facultative pollinators - example: honeybees and crop plants (oranges, strawberries, wildflowers) Outcome of facultative mutualism. (1)At no point in this graph do the isoclines cross (2) This mutualistic interaction is run-away facultative mutualism

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Comparative: more costly Superlative: most costly

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ADH is the hormone responsible for facultative water reabsorption.

What is the difference between facultative and treaty reinsurance?

With Facilitative Reinsurance, individual risks are offered by a ceding insurer for acceptance or rejection by the reinsurer. With Treaty Reinsurance, the reinsurer and ceding (or offering) insurer have agreed that a specified portion of the type or category of risk as specified in the reinsurance treaty will be ceded (or offered) by the insurer and accepted by the reinsurer. Fac covers an individual risk, treaty covers a group of risks.

Who negotiated a peace treaty to avoid a costly war with British?

Neville Chamberlin and his idiotic and epically failed appeasement on the Sudetenland.

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Who negotiated a peace treaty to avoid a costly war with Britain?

john jay

Is costlier an adjective?

Yes, it is. It is the comparative form of the adjective costly (i.e. more costly).

Bacteria that survive with or without oxygen are known as?

Facultative anaerobes. These bacteria can switch between aerobic and anaerobic metabolism depending on the availability of oxygen in their environment.

Is magnesium costly to mine or to get?

it is more costly to mine because you have to get scuba gear and mining stuff.