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Q: Which house of congress can fix their own salaries?
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Can you control salaries of congress?

Congress votes on their own salaries

Why can't congress take pay and benefit cut?

Congress is not willing to vote to cut their own salaries.

Who has authority to set the salaries of members of congress?

Members of Congress collectively set their own salaries. Of course, if they appear to be overly greedy, there is always the possibility that voters will want to elect different people to Congress.

Who sets the saleries of members of congress?

Members of Congress collectively set their own salaries. Of course, if they appear to be overly greedy, there is always the possibility that voters will want to elect different people to Congress.

Who approves salary increases for the members of Congress?

The members of Congress determine their own salaries, typically voting for raises every couple of years.

Which amendment pertains to congressional salary regulations?

The 27th amendment pertains to congressional salaries. This amendment states that any changes to salary cannot go into effect until the next election of representatives. This is to prevent congress from raising their own salaries.

When was the law repealed that prohibited Congress from raising their own wages?

The following information was furnished to me by Senator Cantwell: The 1989 Ethics Reform Act created automatic adjustments to the salaries for Members of Congress based on the Employment Cost Index.

Does the us have a legislative branch?

The Federal legislature (congress) is bicameral. The House of Representatives and the Senate are the two houses of congress. States also have their own bicameral legislatures.

Which two constitutional amendments were not approved?

James Madison proposed 12 amendments to the Constitution, 10 of which were approved. The ones that weren't would have established Congressional representation and prohibited Congress from raising its own salaries.

In your own word describe what is mean by Congress in American government?

Consists of a bicameral, or two-house, legislature. The house of Representatives represents the people by population, and the Senate represents them by state. The role of Congress is to translate public will into public policy in the form of laws.

Who is in Congress how was membership determined and when do they meet?

The members of congress are voted into office. The Senate serves 6 years and the House is 2 year terms. They meet in the capital building and set their own calendar in January.

Who decides the amount the congress members get paid?

the members of congress. Because this is a financial matter, all money or financial bills begin in the House of Representatives. Passing then to the Senate if the House agrees with the bill for a pay raise. If passed by the Senate the bill is sent to the US President to be signed into law.