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Q: Which general from the north tactics helped Lincoln to get re elected?
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He was I have no idea

What helped Lincoln get elected again?

His honesty.

How did the patriots beat the British?

The use of nontraditional military tactics helped the patriots defeat the British. The British were not accustomed to the guerrilla tactics and were taken by surprise.

How did the Illinois militia honor Abraham Lincoln?

During Lincoln's first tour of duty in the militia he saw no combat but he helped bury five soldiers that the Black Hawks had killed an scalped. It was during this tour that his company elected Lincoln as captain of his unit.

How did the capture of Atlanta help Lincoln?

The capture of Atlanta helped Lincoln's campaign for re-election. Many people in the North had been upset with the long duration of the war. Sherman, however, showed that definite progress was being made toward victory. Union voters re-elected Lincoln in a landslide.

How did general Grant become a famous general?

General Ulysses S. Grant was successful in his campaigns in the western part of the Union's war efforts in Tennessee. Upon Lincoln's appointment of Grant to Lieutenant General, his fame became well known. As the military head of all Union forces, he was responsible for the defeat of the Confederacy. His successes were well known and his war victories helped Grant to be elected US President.

Who helped Abraham Lincoln in the Civil War?

General U S Grant ("I need him, because he wins battles", as Lincoln said after he had worked though a variety of generals).

What candidate was helped by the capture of atlanta in 1864?

The capture of Atlanta by General Sherman in 1864 helped the candidacy of President Abraham Lincoln. He would be reelected as president that year.

What event helped Lincoln win reelection in 18642?

General William Tecumseh Sherman defeating the Confederate troops in Atlanta helped Lincoln's reelection because it demonstrated strong territorial gains for the Union.

Who helped Ulysses s Grant?

Abraham Lincoln When grant was a army general people wanted him out of the job but Abraham had faith in him

Was president Garfield's term before or after the civil war?

James Garfield was elected in 1880, 15 years after the Civil War ended. He was a major general in the Civil War and his military recorded helped him get elected.

Why were Union General William T Sherman's victories important to President Lincoln?

Lincoln feared he would not be re-elected in 1864. Many Northerners felt the war had gone on too long and had caused too much destruction. But news of Sherman's victories helped Lincoln win a second term.