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The United States Army has the highest recruitment, mainly due to the fact that the Army is the largest fighting forces in the U.S. military so the Army requires more soldiers.

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The United States Army

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Q: Which branch of the military is in the most need for recruits?
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What is a good place for military training?

The best place would be Basic Training (or what most people call "Boot Camp") Depending which branch of the military you're interested in joining would determine which training you would need most.

Do I need a high school ged or diploma to join the military?

You don't need to, but it most definitely improves your chances. The military on the whole takes fewer than 2% of its recruits as high school dropouts, and it treats those holding a High School diploma or a GED as essentially equivalent.

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Depends on the military and the branch. We need more information for this question please.

Can you still get into the military if you were charged with cdv by the state but not convicted and charges were dropped?

For the only real and OFFICIAL answer you need to contact the recruiter of the military branch you are interested in.

Whats the best military branch to enlist into if you are colorblind?

I had a friend who was involved in intelligence during WWII--with his color blindness, he could discern any enemy outposts that were camouflaged from aerial photographs. I am not certain of what branch of the military would need this skill.

What should my son expect when dealing with an armed forces recruiting office?

Military recruiters are normally honest and bound by the UCMJ to tell prospective recruits the truth the best they know. They are, however, salesmen (selling a lifestyle) and can be expected to put the best face on the military. For instance, they may answer the question "where will I be stationed?" with "You get to tell the military your top choices and the military will consider them". That is a loaded answer because the military will ultimately send you where they need you rather than where you want to go. Most questions are feilded in that manner -- no lies, but definitely give the recruit a chance read the answer with rosy glasses. Your son should expect to be recurited to the respective branch. He should also be ready to tell them why he doesn't want to join if that's the case.

Is there a list of wounded Marines at Iwo Jima?

Contact the Veterans Administration or the branch of service he served in. You will need his SSN, date of birth, branch of military, dates of service, and where he served.

How bad does your criminal record need to be for military to deny you?

It depends on the offense you were charged with. Most serious felonies and any offense which can be defined as a crime of moral turpitude will disqualify you from the military, while many misdemeanors will not. You must contact a recruiter for the branch of service you are interested in for a more specific answer.

Do I need special training to become a corrections officer?

Most big correction institutes have their own on-site training for new recruits. You should inquire there about requirements.

How To Get A Recruitment Job for the Military?

Recruiting for the military can be one of the most satisfying jobs that a person can attain. By providing the youth of America with the tools that will allow them to succeed in the future, you are opening up a whole other world that might not have previously been available. The question remains, though: How does a person go about getting a job as a military recruiter?- The first step in getting a job as a military recruiter is to actually join a branch of the United States military. Without completing this first step, it will render your desire to be a military recruiter null and void. After joining a branch, try to learn as much as you can about the military so that you can effectively deliver this knowledge to students and others who might be interested in joining.- You will want to sharpen up your public speaking skills as this will be very important to your success as a military recruiter. Presentations will need to be given, public speaking engagements will have to be done, and general consulting with families and recruits about what lies ahead in the recruit’s progress.- The prospective recruiter should also become proficient in the military’s screening process, as this is an integral part of the military recruiter’s job. Once in the position of a recruiter, making sure that prospective recruits have their high school diplomas or their Bachelor’s Degree (if they wish to become an officer). The job might also entail having to turn some candidates down, so having compassion and empathy for other people’s feelings is also a good learned trait to have if you want to work as a military recruiter.If you’re ultimate goal is to get a job as a military recruiter, you must plan on putting in your time as a member of whatever branch of the military you wish to recruit for. You must be 22 years old and have the ranking of corporal as well. Finally, there are recruiting classes that will need to be taken and passed before you are able to become a military recruiter. As there are many steps, it is not easy to find a job as a recruiter, but all of the hard work that you go through will ultimately pay off with a rewarding job.

Can a civilian report a military person missing?

Yes, but your local law enforcement agency may have to take your report, then turn it over to the branch of military the missing person is in. And if someone you know is missing, you need to report it ASAP.

Can you be in the military with asthma?

Depends on how bad your Asthma is If you don't need (much) medication then yes If you need alot of medication than the asnwer would be no Best to talk to a recruiter of your chosen branch