The navy has probably the easiest of the Basic Training. All basic training except for the marines has faced lots of criticism and recently the have toughned up their programs.
It has been argued that the Coast Guard has the easiest basic training. The Marines have the toughest.
Yes, the Air Force is a part of a branch in the Military.
Department of Defense, which is part of the Executive branch
The US Marine Corps is a branch of the US Military. It is a part of the Department of the Navy. The commandant services on the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
The US President is the Comander in Chief of the US Military
The US Navy!!
us military
The US Army is the oldest and biggest branch of military in service, they are also the largest land combat force.
The US President is the Comander in Chief of the US Military
The US President is the Comander in Chief of the US Military
It is a separate US military branch in the Department of the Navy.
No branch of the US military is any more elite than the others. All serve; all are equal.