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The Department of the Treasury (Executive Branch) does the actual borrowing, but it must be authorized by a law passed by the Congress (Legislative Branch) and either signed by the President or passed over his veto.

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Q: Which branch of government borrows money on the behalf of the US?
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What branch borrows money?

the executive branch

When the government borrows money it must pay this?

Interest on the money

Where does the government get money to provide goods and services?

Government spending comes directly from taxes. The government also borrows money.

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How does the us government get the money to provide education and defense?

Borrows it or collects it from taxpayers.

Which branch of government can coin money?

The branch of the government that can coin money is the Legislative branch, which is Congress.

How much money is taken in by the us government each month?

The government does not make money. The government borrows around 137 billion, 83 million dollars.

If government officials are calculating the amount of money the federal government borrows for one fiscal year, they are _____.?

calculating a budget deficit

If government officials are calculating the amount of money the federal government borrows for one fiscal year they are?

calculating a budget deficit

How much money does the us gov take in daily?

The government does not make any money. The government borrows around 4 billion, 506 million a day.

How does the US government borrow money?

issuing Treasury bonds and other government-backed securitiesThe U.S. government borrows money byissuing Treasury bonds and other government-backed securities

What does the government pay when it borrows money?

It repays the borrowed amount plus an agreed upon rate of interest.