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Q: Which best describes why trade was difficult during Washington's first term as president?
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What were washingtons issues during the elections?

The only issue they had during his election was who would've been his vice president because of the political systems back then.

What were George Washingtons skills during the revolution?

he was a general

George washingtons political party?

He did not have one because he was the first president so non of the present-day ones were even in effect during his time.

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He was Commander in Chief in the Revolution.

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fairly sure he was a general during the revolution

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Her loquacity made it difficult for others to get a word in during the meeting.

What was George washingtons job during revolutionary war?

He was a Commander( i think )

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Before his presidency Washington helped form a new country, as president he helped establish the role of the presidency, and after his presidency he became the new country's largest distiller of whiskey.

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They did not share the same goals on reconstruction

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Budget deficits continued to rise during the Clinton years.

George Washingtons mom?

George Washington was the first president of USA and commander-in-chief of Continental Army during American Revolutionary war. His mother's name was Mary Ball Washington who was the second wife of his father Augustine Washington.