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Q: Which aspect of Abraham Lincoln plan for reconstruction in the south made it differ form the plan of congressional leaders?
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Which aspect of Abraham Lincolns plan for reconstruction in the south made it different from the plan of congressional leaders?

Lincoln's plan was more focused on helping the South rebuild than on punishing it.

Which aspect of Abraham Lincoln's plan for reconstruction in the South made it differ from the plan of congressional leaders?

Lincoln's plan was more focused on helping the south rebuild than punishing it

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Thaddeus Stevens

During the war Congressional leaders felt that Lincolns reconstruction plan so they passed?

was too lenient; the more stringent Wade-Davis bill, which Lincoln pocket-vetoed

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Thaddeus Stevens was one of the leaders of congressional reconstruction.

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here's a blurb i found when trying to answer this same question for my homework:Radical Reconstruction, also known as Congressional Reconstruction, was the time when congressional Republicans, moderates and Radicals, controlled Reconstruction in the South. Prior to Republican control, Andrew Johnson's Presidential Reconstruction had allowed ex-Confederate leaders to regain power in southern state governments. He lost control over Reconstruction when congressional elections in the fall of 1866 led to a two-thirds majority of Republicans in both houses of Congress. When the Fortieth Congress returned in March 1867, presidential Reconstruction ended.Hope that helped you!!