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Robert Francis Kennedy (Bobby), who was John F. Kennedy's brother, ran for and won the seat of US Senator from New York in 1964. He served from 1965 until his death in 1968.

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Q: Which Kennedy ran for office after john was killed?
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What did JFK do after the the war?

after John graduated college he decied to join the navy. john then became a luitenant and got injured in a serious battle. after john came home from the war he got bac sergurey. John recovered well.

Why did John F. Kennedy win the election when Al Gore had more votes?

John F. Kennedy got shot and killed in 1963; Al gore ran for president a little over 40 years later.

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John F. Kennedy beat in the presidential?

John F. Kennedy ran against Richard Nixon and won

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He didn't have an occupation. He went into the Navy in WW2 and ran for office after the war. He was from a very wealthy family.

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What was John F. Kennedy opposition?

John Kennedy was a liberal Democrat. He was opposed by Conservatives and Republicans. He ran against Richard Nixon for President in 1960.

Who ran against John Kennedy?

John F. Kennedy won the 1960 presidential election defeating Richard Nixon. In the 1960 presidential election John F. Kennedy received 303 electoral votes, Richard Nixon received 219 electoral votes, and Harry Byrd received 15 electoral votes. The popular vote totals were Kennedy 34,226,731 and Nixon 34,108,157.

Who was against John F. Kennedy?

john f Kennedy ran a grueling race against Richard Nixon and ended up triumphantly defeating him and becoming the president.

What two sitting senators ran against each other for president?

John Kennedy ran against Richard Nixon in 1960. Kennedy won but Nixon ran again in 1968 and won.

Who ran for President in 1962 for the democrats?

John F. Kennedy from Massachusetts ran with Hubert H. Humphrey of Minnesota for the Democrats in 1962

Who ran for president against john f Kennedy?

Richard Nixon opposed John F. Kennedy in the Presidential election of 1960. President Kennedy was the victor by over 100,000 votes.