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It was written primarily by Thomas Jefferson. It was adopted by the Second Continental Congress.

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Q: Which Congress wrote the Declaration of Independence?
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Who wrote the declaration of independence to the second continentle congress?

Thomas Jefferson :D

Describe Thomas Jefferson while he served in the Second Continental Congress?

He and the congress wrote the Declaration of Independence.

What year was the Declaration of Independence wrote?

The Declaration of Independence was written by Thomas Jefferson, and it was debated and approved by the Second Continental Congress in 1776.

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at the second continental congress,they wrote the declaration of independence which they presented to king george | and then broke out war

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Thomas Jefferson wrote and publish the Declaration of Independence.

What role did Thomas Jefferson play in the Revolution?

Jefferson played an active role in starting the Revolution, serving as a member of the Continental Congress that declared independence. He wrote and sighed the Declaration of Independence.

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Thomas Jefferson, the man who wrote the Declaration of Independence, although he was a slave holder, and the Declaration had many parts taken out in order to get the Continental Congress to approve it.

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The Second Continental Congress produced the Declaration of Independence.

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What did the first Continental Congress have to do with the Declaration of Independence?

The First Continental Congress had nothing to do with the Declaration of Independence.