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William Howard Taft served as Chief Justice in the Supreme Court from July 11, 1921 to February 3, 1930, just short of nine years.

Taft is the only person in US History to serve as both President of the United States and Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. Taft succeeded Theodore Roosevelt to become the nation's 27th president. He served a single term of office, from 1909-1913.

President Warren G. Harding nominated Taft to replace Chief Justice Edward Douglas White, who had died in office. The Senate confirmed his nomination in a secret vote by a margin of 60-4, on July 11, 1921.

Taft served as Chief Justice until 1930, when he was forced to retire due to ill health. He died just five weeks later, with the cause of death listed as heart disease, high blood pressure and inflammation of the bladder. He is buried at Arlington National Cemetery.

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Republican President Warren G. Harding appointed Republican Taft to the Court.

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Warren Harding appointed Taft to the Supreme Court.

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Warren Harding nominated Taft to the Supreme Court.

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