What president had an unusual pet?
PresidentAnimalsGeorge WashingtonPolly the parrot; 36 hounds; horsesJohn AdamshorsesThomas Jeffersona mockingbird; two bear cubs, a gift from Lewis and ClarkJames MadisonMacaw the parrot; sheepJames Monroea spanielJohn Quincy Adamsan alligator; silkwormsAndrew Jacksonhorses named Truxton, Sam Patches, Emily, Lady Nashville, and Bolivia; Pol the parrot; poniesMartin Van Burentwo tiger cubsWilliam Henry Harrisona goat; a cowJohn TylerLe Beau, a greyhound; a horse named The GeneralJames Knox Polka horseZachary TaylorOld Whitey the horseMillard Fillmoreno petsFranklin Pierceno petsJames BuchananLara, a Newfoundland; an eagle; an elephantAbraham LincolnJack the turkey; goats named Nanny and Nanko; ponies; cats; dogs; pigs; a white rabbitAndrew Johnsonwhite miceUlysses S. GrantFaithful, a Newfoundland; horses named Jeff Davis, Julia, Jennie, Mary, Butcher Boy, Cincinnatus, Egypt, and St. Louis; ponies named Reb and Billy Button; pigs; dogs; a parrot; roostersRutherford B. HayesSiam, a Siamese cat; Grim, a greyhound; Duke, an English mastiff; Hector, a Newfoundland; Dot, a terrier; canaries; cows; horses; goats; other dogsJames GarfieldKit the horse; Veto the dog; fishChester Alan Arthurno petsGrover Clevelanda poodle; canaries and mockingbirdsBenjamin HarrisonDash the dog; Whiskers the goat; dogs; an opossumWilliam McKinleya parrot; an Angora cat and her kittensTheodore RooseveltSailor Boy, a Chesapeake Bay retriever; Manchu, a Pekingese; Skip, a mutt; terriers named Jack and Pete; cats named Tom Quartz and Slippers; Josiah the badger; Algonquin the pony; Eli the macaw; Jonathan the piebald rat; Emily Spinach, a garter snake; twelve horses; five bears; five guinea pigs; other snakes; two kangaroo rats; lizards; roosters; an owl; a flying squirrel; a raccoon; a coyote; a lion; a hyena; a zebraWilliam TaftPauline Wayne the cowWoodrow WilsonOld Ike the ram; sheep; chickens; catsWarren HardingLaddie Boy, an Airedale; Old Boy, a bulldog; canariesCalvin CoolidgePeter Pan, a terrier; Paul Pry (née Laddie Buck), an Airedale; Calamity Jane, a sheepdog; Boston Beans, a bulldog; King Cole, a shepherd; Palo Alto, a birder; collies named Rob Roy (née Oshkosh), Prudence Prim, Ruby Rough, and Bessie; chows named Blackberry and Tiny Tim; canaries named Nip, Tuck, and Snowflake; cats named Bounder, Tiger, and Blacky; raccoons named Rebecca and Horace; Ebeneezer, a donkey; Smokey, a bobcat; Old Bill, a thrush; Enoch, a goose; a mockingbird; a bear; an antelope; a wallaby; a pygmy hippo; some lion cubsHerbert HooverGlen, a collie; Yukon, a malamute; Patrick, an Irish wolfhound; Eaglehurst Gillette, a setter; Weejie, an elkhound; fox terriers named Big Ben and Sonnie; shepherds named King Tut and Pat; an opossumFranklin Delano RooseveltFala, a Scottish terrier; Meggie, a Scottish terrier; Major, a German shepherd; Winks, a Llewellyn setter; Tiny, an English sheepdog; President, a Great Dane; Blaze, a mastiffHarry S TrumanFeller "the unwanted dog" (adopted by Truman's personal physician); Mike, an Irish setter (belonged to Margaret Truman)Dwight D. EisenhowerHeidi, a WeimaranerJohn F. KennedyTom Kitten the cat; Robin the canary; Zsa Zsa the rabbit; Sardar the horse; ponies named Macaroni, Tex, and Leprechaun; parakeets named Bluebell and Marybelle; hamsters named Debbie and Billie; Charlie, a Welsh terrier, plus dogs named Pushinka, Shannon, Wolf, and Clipper, plus Pushinka and Charlie's pups: Blackie, Butterfly, Streaker, and White TipsLyndon JohnsonHim and Her, beagles; Freckles, a beagle (Him's pup); Blanco, a collie; Edgar, a mutt (née J. Edgar); Yuki, a mutt; hamsters and lovebirdsRichard NixonCheckers, a cocker spaniel; Vicky, a poodle; Pasha, a terrier; King Timahoe, an Irish setter; fishGerald FordLiberty, a Golden retriever; Chan, a Siamese CatJimmy CarterGrits the dog; Misty Malarky Ying Yang, a Siamese catRonald ReaganRex, a King Charles spaniel; Lucky, a Bouvier des Flandres sheepdogGeorge H. W. BushMillie, a Springer spaniel; Ranger, one of Millie's pupsBill ClintonSocks the cat; Buddy, a chocolate Labrador retrieverGeorge W. BushSpot, a Springer spaniel, born in the White House in 1989 to George H. W. Bush's Millie (died Feb. 21, 2004); Barney, a Scottish terrier; India ("Willie") the cat. The Bushes' orange-striped polydactyl cat Ernie was judged too wild for White House life and now lives with a family in California. In 2004, the President gave his wife Laura a Scottish terrier puppy named Miss Beazley for the First Lady's birthday.