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The last sentence in Article 1, Section 2. "The House of Representatives shall chuse [sic] their Speaker and other Officers; and shall have the sole Power of Impeachment."

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Q: Where in the us constitution does it say that the speaker of the house of representatives is chosen by the house of representatives?
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How is the Speaker of House chosen?

Constitution states .. The House of Representatives shall choose their Speaker

Who is the only officer of the house of representatives to come from the elected members of the house?

The Speaker of the House is chosen from the party that holds the majority of elected members in the House. The speaker is the presiding officer of the House of Representatives.

Who is the leader of the house of representatives chosen?

Members of the House of Representatives get to choose the Speaker of the House as their presiding officer. This position was established in 1789 by Article I, Section 2 of the United States Constitution.

What is the title of the leader of the House of Representatives and how are they chosen?

Speaker of the House of Representatives. They are normally a senior member of the majority party in the House, and are chosen by their party for the position.

How is speaker of the house elected?

The Speaker of the House is elected by the members of the House of Representatives. Before the vote each party chooses their candidate. The majority party's candidate will then win the election (assuming his or her party's representatives vote according to the party's decision).

Who chooses speaker of the White House?

The Speaker of the House of Representatives is chosen the House of Represenatives. The White House Press Secretary, sometimes referred to as the White House Spokesperson, is chosen by the President of the United States.

Who has Obama chosen for speaker of the house?

Barack Obama is no longer the President of the United States, so he does not appoint the Speaker of the House. The Speaker of the House is elected by members of the House of Representatives. As of my last update, Nancy Pelosi is the current Speaker of the House.

Speaker of the house?

The current Speaker of the House is Paul Ryan and expected to keep his office for the next term. The Speaker of the House for the US House of Representatives is chosen by its members. A new Speaker of the House is chosen from each party's nominees on the first day of every new Congress.

The speaker of the House is chosen by?

The speaker of the house gets chosen by a vote of the members of the house. The constitution does NOT require that the speaker be an elected member of congress.

Who is the Speaker of the House of Representatives in US?

The Speaker of the House of Representatives is Paul Ryan.

Where in the constitution does it state that the presiding officer of the house of representatives is the speaker of the house?

It's more of an implication than a statement: From Article I, Section 2, Clause 5: "The House of Representatives shall chuse [sic] their Speaker and other Officers..."

Who choose the speaker of the House of Representatives?

The members of the House of Representatives vote to select the Speaker.