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An Augur was a Roman religious official who read omens to determine policies. The French then used the word inauguration for the installment of new policies according to good omens.

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Q: Where does the word inauguration come from?
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How do you use the word inauguration in a sentence?

the president goes through an inauguration ceremony where he is inducted into office.

What new word can be formed with the letters of inauguration?

# # # # # # #

What time does the inauguration come on mountain time?

10 am

Who memorized his 3336 word inauguration?

Franklin Pierce did that.

What is the answer if you put a stress mark in a word inauguration?

what is stressmark

How do you divide the word 'inauguration' into syllables?

The word inauguration is divided into five syllables like so: in-aug-u-ra-tion.

When is the inauguration of President Obama?

Barack Obama will begin his second term on January 20, 2013. Some 800,000 people are expected to come to Washington to witness the inauguration.

The greek word inauguration what are the bases and suffix?

Inauguration is an English word derived from Latin, not Greek. The root is augur, a soothsayer ( originally perhaps a "bird strangler," from avis, a bird). It carries the prefix in- and the suffix -ation.

What is a sentence using the word inauguration?

They will inaugurate the winning candidates on the first of January.

When did Woodrow Wilson say let the people come forward?

at his inauguration. March 4,1913.

Is inward related to inauguration?

Umm I don't think so. I mean, inauguration is related to a president, like Barack Obama's inauguration. But inward is just like, it was pointing inward. Actually I'm not even sure if it's a word. Look it up (:

What is a sentence for inauguration?

The principal was inaugurating the new building of the college. This is an example for inaugurating word.