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Most of congress work takes place within committees and sub-committees on Washington's Capital Hill. Some work is often carried over at the local congressional district level.

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14y ago

All meetings of Congress tak place in the capitol building in the District of Columbia.

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8y ago

Congress works in the Capitol Building in Washington, D. C.

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Q: Where does Congress work?
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Who said Congress in its committee rooms is Congress at work?

President Woodrow Wilson is the person who said that when Congress in its committee rooms is Congress at work. It means that most of the work Congress does is done through committees.

What was true after Nixon victory in the 1968npresidential election?

He had to work with a Democratic Congress. (Apex)

Where does the congress work at?

they work in Washington DC

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wanted to improve the government by making laws.

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Who is job is it to make job bills for people to worK the congress or the President of the US?

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