Above the (wearer's) left breast pocket, space 1/4 inch above the seam of the pocket, or above any other badges being worn.
Yes, and we were able to do the same with the BDU/DCU uniforms (once the CAB came into existence). The CAB is a Category 1 badge, whereas the CMB is a Category 2 badge.
No, you only wear one Category I badge.
On the left breast, 1/4 an inch over the U.S. Army tape.
Yes. If you have earned the Combat Action Badge (CAB) you can wear it on your Class A uniform.
No, you cannot.
The combat action badge are worn with "Class A" Army green, blue or white uniform coats. You must wear that uniform when wearing the badge.
Whatever badge/ribbon you are awarded, you rate to wear it, no matter what branch of service you are in.
The only time you'll ever be allowed to do this is the first time you get a marksmanship badge awarded when you're at Basic Combat Training. At the end of the qualification range, you'll take it off, and never wear it on your ACUs again.
AR 670-1
No. They would receive a Combat Action Ribbon. If ever they transferred to the Army, then they'd be eligible to wear the CIB or CAB in lieu of their Combat Action Ribbon.
The Combat Action Badge (CAB) is specific to the U.S. Army and is awarded to soldiers who have actively engaged or been engaged by enemy forces in combat. If you switch from the Army to the Air Force, you will not be authorized to wear the CAB unless you have previously earned it during your time in the Army. The Air Force has its own combat-related awards and badges, such as the Air Force Combat Action Medal (CAM).
the badges go above the us. army nametape. the one closest to the nametape will be the air assault badge 1/8 inch apart from the nametape. then above that 1/4 inch apart from the air assault badge will be the combat action badge.the combat action badge is the more important of the two so it is on top. Everything can be found in AR 670-1.