from various lending institutions.
^While true, avoid getting private student loans when possible as you aren't entitled to certain rights such as forbearance and deferments, These lenders also have interest rates that vary month to month depending on market conditions. If possible, always get Federal student loans.
In this day and age, finding government student loans should be fairly easy and straightforward to do. I would start by asking my guidance counselor for resources available for securing government student loan opportunities. In addition, I would speak with a "Salliemae" representative as well as speaking with a representative from "Wells Fargo" in order to secure different opportunities. Lastly, I would call local banks to speak with loan officers within your community.
Parent Loan: A parent is getting the loan Student loan: A student is getting the loan
To look for private student loan consolidations, on can go to the Student Aid website. The website has information about student loans, including how and where to consolidate them.
There are many places to research student loan settlement. You can look at various places on the web or at many banks. Looking for loan settlements can be difficult start by checking
what is a student loan grant?
You could use you loan for that but I think it would be an unwise thing to do.
what is a student loan grant?
You could get a federal student loan.
I'm pretty sure if you have defaulted on a previous student loan, you cannot get a federal student loan again. maybe you could get a private student loan, but the rate you'd get would suck cause your credit probably sucks after defaulting on that other loan...sorry.
What is a "Standard" student loan?
You should look to your local banks to find out which to student loans refinancing. You could also look at Citi bank that does student refinancing, Wells Fargo also does student loan refinancing too.
I heard you can write off you student loan if you put it on your house/line of credit. But i thought you could do that anyway. Anyone know?