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There are a few colleges that offer video game-specific degrees. Try Digipen, Guild Hall, Ringling, and SCAD. There are many other colleges that offer degrees in game development now, even community colleges. You'll want to watch out for these, though, because the professors may not be as knowledgeable. You should always aim to be taught by industry professionals because the industry is always changing anyway and each studio has different needs. Just make sure that you pick a major before you pick a general college, as an art school may have a game development program but that wouldn't be the same as a technical design or programming school. A lot of the top ones I mentioned should have design and art degrees simultaneously, so that way you can still experiment in which field you want to focus on. If you have more questions and still are unsure of which college to go to, try reading this book as it has a lot of the information you are looking for and talks about the best colleges for game development:

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