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Q: When would the Supreme Court get involved?
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What jury serves in the Supreme court?

The Supreme Court does not use a jury. The Supreme Court is involved in interpretations of the US constitution. A jury would not help.

Why would the supreme court agree to review a lower court's decision?

Certain cases are important enough to require the authoritative decision of the nation's highest court rather than being decided by a lower court. If issues of constitutional interpretation are involved, that is the specialty of the Supreme Court.

What is the highest court in the United states-?

The correct name is the Supreme Court of the United States, but most people refer to it as the US Supreme Court. Each state has its own Supreme Court, but the US Supreme Court is the end of the line.

What supreme court case involved the Richmond newspapers?

That would be Richmond Newspapers Inc v Virgina, deciddin 1980

What court cases involved in order for the Supreme Court to hear them?

Constitution, treaties, or Federal Laws

What is the highest court the united stAtes?

The Supreme Court is the highest court in the United States.That would be the Supreme Court.

What does the tinker and skokie case have in common?

They both were involved in a Supreme Court

What court is usually composed of from 3 to 9 judges and is the highest court in the state?

This would be the state supreme court for a particular US state.supreme court

Who would NOT be involved in the formal process of impeaching and removing the president?

The Justices of the US Supreme Court. Impeachment is voted on by Congress.

What Is the process for appealing a case?

For state prosecuted offenses: Circuit (or District) Court > Court of Appeals > State Supreme Court (and if a Constitutional question is involved) > US District Court > US Court of Appeals > US Supreme Court.

If a case is heard by the U.S. Supreme Court and the government is one of the parties involved who would represent the government?

A DOJ lawyer represents the government.

After state supreme court what is next?

That depends on the case. Often, the state supreme court is the end of the road for a case, making the decision of the state supreme court final and binding. Sometimes cases involved federal questions (issues arising under the US Constitution or federal law) that allow them to be appealed to the US Supreme Court. If the US Supreme Court hears such a case, it may affirm or overturn the state supreme court decision.