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Henry Clay was appointed Secretary of State, seemingly because of his help in getting Adams elected. This prompted the cry of "corrupt bargain" by the Jackson supporters.,

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Q: When the election of 1824 had to be decided in the House of Representatives Henry Clay threw his support behind John Quincy Adams. What position was given to Clay in return for his support?
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When the election of 1824 had to be decided in the house of representatives Henry Clay threw his support behind john Quincy Adams what position was given to clay in return for his support?

Secretary of State

In 1824 how did the election help Andrew Jackson?

Andrew Jackson benefited from the 1824 election because he won the most popular votes and electoral votes, but he did not secure the majority required to win the presidency. As a result, the election was decided by the House of Representatives, where Jackson's strong popular support put pressure on the representatives to vote in his favor. Though Jackson ultimately lost the presidency to John Quincy Adams, the election's outcome set the stage for Jackson's successful campaign in 1828.

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What caused the tension between John Quincy Adams and Andrew Jackson?

In 1824, Jackson received the most popular votes (but not a majority) and the electoral votes were split four ways. Since no candidate received a majority, the election was decided by the House of Representatives, who chose Adams. There were some claims of corruption after Adams appointed Clay Secretary of State after he had given his state's support to him.

What do elections measure?

They measure the public support and opinion of individual elected and potential representatives, parties and governments.They measure the public support and opinion of individual elected and potential representatives, parties and governments.They measure the public support and opinion of individual elected and potential representatives, parties and governments.They measure the public support and opinion of individual elected and potential representatives, parties and governments.They measure the public support and opinion of individual elected and potential representatives, parties and governments.They measure the public support and opinion of individual elected and potential representatives, parties and governments.They measure the public support and opinion of individual elected and potential representatives, parties and governments.They measure the public support and opinion of individual elected and potential representatives, parties and governments.They measure the public support and opinion of individual elected and potential representatives, parties and governments.They measure the public support and opinion of individual elected and potential representatives, parties and governments.They measure the public support and opinion of individual elected and potential representatives, parties and governments.

In which election did the Democrats come out in support of the repeal of Prohibition?

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What are five things people vote on?

1. To the Elect the President (indirectly through the electoral college) 2. To elect the representatives to the Federal (or State) Senate 3. To elect the representatives to the Federal (or State) House of Representatives. 4. To Choose the candidate to represent Republican or Democratic Party in a Presidential election. 4. Electing local judges. 5. To support or oppose propositions, laws, and initiatives.

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