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Q: When is the next election for governor of texas?
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Related questions

Who selects the lieutenant governor of Texas?

In a statewide election, which is separate from the Governor election. This means it is possible for the Governor and Lieutenant Governor to be from separate parties, which last happened during George W. Bush's first term.

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When is conn next governor election?

in 2014

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Next election is in 2016

What was the percentage of eligible voters who voted in the 2002 Texas Governor election?

Approximately 36% of the eligible voters voted in the 2002 Texas Governor election.

How is a Texas Lieutenant Governor elected?

In a statewide election, which is separate from the Governor election. This means it is possible for the Governor and Lieutenant Governor to be from separate parties, which last happened during George W. Bush's first term.

When is the next Georgia governor election?

4 November 2014

When is the next election for governor of Ohio?

Nov 2013

If a governor dies who picks the next governor?

A Lt. Gov. finishes the term and a election is held.

What happens when a state lieutenant governor resigns?

When a vacancy occurs in the office of the lieutenant governor of Texas, the Senate will elect one of its members as the acting President of the Senate until the next state-wide office election.

What years are statewide offices in Texas such as the governor and lieutenant governor elected?

nonpresidential, or off-year, election years

Who elects the Texas lieutenant governor?

The Lieutenant governor of Texas, is selected by state wide election although, the Texas Senate also has the constitutional power to replace a lieutenant governor in the event of death, resignation or election to higher office. [snip] In the case of a vacancy in the Lieutenant Governor's office, the Senate elects one of its members to act as President of the Senate until the next statewide office election, in effect becoming the Lieutenant Governor. A Senator elected as presiding officer in this way retains his district seat and the voting privileges entailed with his Senate election. --EN. WIKI. With the election of Texas governor George Bush to the US presidency, Lieutenant Governor Rick Perry became governor of Texas on December 21, 2000. His successor, was Bill Ratliff, appointed by the Texas Senate to fill the vacancy. Ratliff, served the remainder of Perry's term, through 2002. David Dewhurst was elected lieutenant governor in November 2002, when he defeated former Democratic Comptroller John Sharp of Victoria. Dewherst, was reelected in 2006, and is the current [as of 2009] lieutenant governor of Texas. see also: