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Every four years in November (^_-)

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Q: When is the election of the U.S. president held?
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Where was the first presidential caucus held?

Iowa is the first caucus, which is held in January.

Where was the first US election held?

The first US election was held in Virginia.

How long does a US President and his Vice President serve before there needs to be another election?

They serve as Acting President andvice President during the interim period till the time of another election being held.

What US president won first election held on the same day in all states?

I am not sure what your question is asking. If you are asking about Washington there wasn't a general election for President in 1789.

When was the first us president elected?

The first presidential election in the US was held in 1788. George Washington was the unanimous winner.

Where was the US presidential election of 1789 held?

When Washington was made President there wasn't an election. The Congress decided who would be President and they did that for many years. The founding fathers didn't feel the general population knew enough to election someone for the office.

What is the Part of speech of election?

Election is a noun. Ex: They held an election to decide who would be the next president.

When were election held last?

The last US election was held on November 6th, 2012.

How often does the US choose a President and Vice President?

Generally, elections for president are held in the United States every four years. So the election of 2012 has concluded, and the next election will be held in 2016. Vice presidents are selected by the president and his political party, so under most circumstances, if the president gets elected, so does the vice president.

Does the US vote for president in November 2011 or 2012?

The next presidential election in the US will be in November of 2012. Elections are held in years that are divisible by 4.

When is the time of election for the president?

The US presidency comes up for election every four years on those years which are divisible by 4. Elections are held on the first Tuesday in November unless Nov. 1 is on Tuesday in which case the election is held the second Tuesday.

What day is the general election of the president and vice president?

The general election for President and Vice President is always held on the first Tuesday in November. The upcoming election in 2008 will be on Tuesday, November 4.