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Barack Obama Elementary School in Prince George's School District in Maryland is open. The first day for students in the 2011-2012 year was August 22.

Barack H. Obama Elementary School in Ashbury Park, New Jersey closed on July 1, 2011.

Schools named for Barack Obama in the United States are:


  • Barack Obama Charter School - Compton, California
  • Barack Obama Global Preparation Academy - Los Angeles
  • Barack Obama Academy - Oakland, California


  • Barack Obama Elementary School - Upper Marlboro, Maryland


  • Barack Obama Elementary School - Pine Lawn, Missouri


  • Barack and Michelle Obama Service Learning Elementary - Saint Paul, Minnesota

New Jersey

  • Barack Obama Academy - Plainfield, New Jersey
  • Barack Obama Green Charter High School

New York

  • Barack Obama Elementary School - Hempstead, New York



  • Barack Obama Male Leadership Academy - Dallas, Texas

Schedules vary. School calendars are usually posted on a school's web site.

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