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Yes, if you have previously served as enlisted, the years you served will count and be added to your officer pay.

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Q: When enlisted active duty member become Officers do the years they already served as enlisted count towards their officer pay?
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How should an officer in the Navy write a letter to your new Commanding Officer when you receive orders to his or her ship?

My best answer is that you shouldn't really do it. It would be viewed as an attempt to ingratiate oneself with the CO, and as we all know, CO's aren't always given towards that. If it is considered to be what one DOES however, I would respectfully acknowledge the CO, briefly describe myself, and express my excitement at the new duty station. Keep it simple. ----------------------------- I disagree with the statement above. If you are a very young enlisted Sailor, direct the letter to your Division Chief or Officer. However, if you are CPO or an Officer, it is expected, by Naval Customs and Traditions, that you write a letter to your new CO. A sample letter can be found in the Guide to Naval Writing (Naval Institute publication).

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Can you be arrested for swearing at an off duty policeman?

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