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George H.W. Bush was born on June 12, 1924 and is still alive (as of October 27th 2015)

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he is still alive... George H. W. Bush

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Q: When did the forty first president die?
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What number of president was George?

George Washington was the first president, George Herbert Walker Bush was the forty-first, and George Bush (the second "George Bush") was the forty-third.

Who was the first president to die?

The first president to die was George Washington

Which President was the first to die while presiding as president?

William Henry Harrison was the first US president to die in office.

Is the forty-first president dead?

Assuming you are referring to the 41st president of the US, who was George H W Bush then as of April 2012 he is not dead.

Who was the forty- first US president?

He was George H.W. Bush if you count Cleveland twice- otherwise he was Bill Clinton.

When did the first American president die in office and was succeeded by his controversial vice president?

William Henry Harrison was the first president of the U.S to die in office. The vice president John Tyler took his place.

How do write forty first?

Forty-first = 41st

Who was the first president who died in office?

John Tyler was the vice-president who moved up to President when William Henry Harrison became the first US president to die in office.

Was Abraham Lincoln was the first US president to die while president?

US President Abraham Lincoln was the first US president to be assassinated. He was not the first to die in office, however. The ninth US president, President William Henry Harrison died shortly after his inauguration in 1841. John Tyler, the vice president then took over as president as per the US Constitution. The 12th US President, Zachary Taylor died in office in 1850.

Who was the first president in 1988?

George H.W. Bush became president in 1988. This Presidential election was the 51st quadrennial presidential election. He was the forty first president.

What President died in office in his first year?

William Henry Harrison was the first president to die in office. He died after a month in office.

Who was the first world president to die?

George Washington was the first US President to die and there were not a lot of president in the world before him, Most of the countries had kings or emperors or war lords instead of presidents.