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Televisions were introduced to the American Public at the New York World Fair in 1939. The first sets were crude and reception was poor, so they were not immediately popular. It took the introduction of the color television set in 1951 for the demand to rise, and by the end of the year 1.5 million television sets had been purchased. This was quite an increase from the preceding year when only 150,000 had been sold!

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Television became a part of American culture in the early 1950s with such early nationally broadcast programs as "Your Show of Shows" with Sid Caesar and Imogene Coca, and "The Milton Berle Show."

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Television's influence increased as more and more people had it in their homes. However, in 2011, television ownership has declined for the first time in twenty years. Digital signals combined with the poor economy as well as internet programming availability are changing the market. If you have the money, paying for cable, or the converter box gives you reception.

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Q: When did television become a mass medium?
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While televisions were available in the 1930s, the popularity only increased drastically in homes during the late 1940s to the 1950s.

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I think what you are trying to say is that film is an "example of" mass communication. In other words, film (or movies) is one of the mass media. A mass medium sends out a message to a large and often distant and anonymous audience; we don't know who is listening to our radio show or who is reading our book, and the audience could come from anywhere. (And by the way, "medium" is singular-- radio is a mass medium. Radio and television are mass "media," plural.) Examples of mass media are radio, TV, movies, books, magazines, the internet, and newspapers. All of these are in the category known as "mass communication."

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It was once newspapers but in our modern world it is now Television

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It was believed to be during the roman times

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The mass of a TV can vary depending on the size and model. On average, a small to medium-sized TV can weigh anywhere from 5-20 kilograms, which is equivalent to 5000-20000 grams.

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Television was considered the true mass medium as it reached a large and diverse audience, shaping public opinion and influencing culture on a wide scale. It had the power to transmit information, entertainment, and advertising to millions of viewers simultaneously.

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Is the name media an acronyme?

No, it is not. It is the plural of the Latin word "medium." A "mass medium" is another name for a method of communication that reaches large audiences. Radio is a mass medium (singular). Radio, television, movies, and the internet are examples of mass media (plural). Years ago, the terms "mass media" and "mass communication" were not in common use; in fact, they did not really become popular until the 1950s and 1960s, when scholars began to seriously study the effects that various types of media had on the public. Some people today use the word "media" as a singular-- they say "The media is important in society." But if you want to be grammatically correct, you will use it as a plural-- "The media are important in society."

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