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Q: When did active duty military personnel begin paying medicare taxes?
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Would Medicare be your primary or secondary insurance?

We have Medicare and added on Anthem. Does that mean Medicare is primary (Paying 80 percent) , and Anthem is secondary?

What social programs do you have?

Welfare Medicare Medicaid Public Works The Military (like it or not, it's everyone paying for the safety of some people) Public Transportation Libraries and Public Schools

Is there a law that a chiropractor cannot do spinal manipulation on a Medicare patient even if the patient is paying for the visit and not claiming it through Medicare?

Medicare law does not prohibit this.

What year did seniors have to start paying for medicare?

Medicare started in 1965. It has always had premiums, co-payments and deductibles.

When did medicare stop paying for consults?


What are the three items that the Medicare beneficiaries are responsible for paying before Medicare will began to pay for services?

deductibles2) premiums3) coinsurance

What are three items that medicare beneficiaries are responsible for paying before medicare will begin to pay for services?

What are three items that medicare beneficiaries are responsible for paying before medicare will begin to pay for services?

If FICA and Medicare are written as two separate deductibles does this mean that you are paying double for Medicare?

FICA pays for your Social Security and the Medicare tax pays for Medicare Part A, which is your Medicare hospitization insurance. When you begin drawing your Social Security check, then your Medicare Part B medical/doctors visit insurance is automatically deducted from your check.

Why did Johnson approve of Medicare why is it needed?

Medicare was enacted to ensure that senior citizens would get medical care. Prior to Medicare, seniors were having to choose between eating, paying the bills and going to the doctor or getting medication.

What is the tax that funds the US military?

Any Federal Taxes funds the Active Duty and Reserve and any State taxes fund that States National Guard. So all who pay taxes technically pay or fund the US Military, just as you would fund schools, road repairs or construction, parks and wildlife, bailouts, health care reforms, welfare, Medicare/Medicaid and many others. All soldiers pay taxes so they themselves are paying for themselves.

At what income do you stop paying FICA in 2009?

In 2009, $106,800 for Social Security. No maximum for Medicare.

Does Medicare pay for root canal?

No :/ my moms paying $1300 for the surgery -_- i have health plus trust me