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Q: When did Robert Lincoln have his mother sent to a mental institution?
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Was Mary Todd Lincoln married to Robert Todd Lincoln?

No- she was Robert's mother, She was married to Abraham .

What was Presidents Lincoln's relationship like with his son Robert?

they were never close. Abe Lincoln spent more time with his younger sons than Robert. Robert was closer to his mother. Abe Lincoln often said that Robert had more Todd in him.

Coping mental and emotional of mental health?

Go to a psychiatrist? Or if it's serious, (you may not like this) ask to go into a mental health institution. You may think that it doesn't help but it does. My mother is in one and she is getting better. Give it a go?

Which son was buried with Lincoln?

Edward Lincoln and William Lincoln are buried along side thier mother Mary Lincoln and Father Abraham Lincoln in Springfield, IL. Robert Lincoln and his wife are buried in Arlington National Cemetary.

Why did Robert Todd Lincoln burn all of his mother's letters?

Robert Todd Lincoln burned his mother's letters to protect her privacy and reputation. He likely wanted to prevent any potentially damaging or personal information from becoming public knowledge after her death, preserving her image and legacy.

Did Mary Todd Lincoln have any great accomplishments?

She would have said it was being wife to Abraham and mother to his 4 children. Robert was the only child to live to adulthood

Name lincolns son the only on to survive to adult hood?

Robert Todd Lincoln grew up to have his mother committed.

Is Dorothy dandridges daughter still alive?

Yes, and she resides in a Mental Institution. After, maybe before her mother"s death she cracked up. Poor girl has been in the Funny House ever since...

What was Abraham Lincoln's mother's name?

Abraham Lincoln's mother was Nancy Hanks Lincoln.

Who is Abraham Lincoln's mother?

Nancy Hanks Lincoln, was Abraham Lincoln's mother.

What was Abraham Lincoln's wife Sarah's mom's maiden name?

Parker. Abraham Lincoln's wife was not named sarah, it was Mary. Mary Todd Lincoln. Mary Todd Lincoln's mother's name was Eliza Ann Parker, who married her father, Robert Todd.

Was John Todd Stuart related to Abraham Lincoln's wife?

Yes. Mary Lincoln and John Todd Stuart were cousins. Mary's father Robert and John Stuart's mother Hannah were siblings.