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In November, 1845, he was sent as minister to Mexico by President Polk, to adjust the difficulty caused by the annexation of Texas to the United States. His instructions to 1) obtain Mexican recognition of the Rio Grande as the border between Texas and the United States; 2) offer American forgiveness of the claims by U.S. citizens against the Mexican government; 3) purchase the New Mexico area for $5 million; and 4) purchase California at any price. The mission failed when the Mexican government refused to accept his credentials. The United States declared war on Mexico on May 13, 1846, and Slidell returned in January 1847 and resigned.

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Q: When did Polk send john Slidell to Mexico to offer he Mexican government 30 mill for California and New Mexico?
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What envoy was unsuccessful in the attempt to buy California in the Texas and Mexican War?

John Slidell was not received by Mexico.

What was the Slidell Mission?

The Slidell mission was when James K. Polk sent John Slidell as an envoy, to Mexico as a minister in 1845. The Mexican people didn't even permit him to offer his proposition.

Who sold California?

The United States bought California (and New Mexico) for $15 million from the Mexican government.Read more: How_much_was_California_bought_for

President Polk sent to try to buy California and New Mexico?

Polk sent former Congressman and lawyer John Slidell to Mexico and make an offer to buy California for $30 million. He also wanted to settle the dispute about the location of the Texas border. I do not know if New Mexico was discussed.

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Sell Alta California and Nuevo Mexico and recognise the Rio Grande as the southern border of the United States.

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California and New Mexico

How much was john slidell authorized to offer mexico for california and new mexico and for accepting the rio grande as the texas border?

The original offer was $30 million

How did new Mexico and California change After Mexican independence?

California and New Mexico didn't exist. Mexican independence happened in 1810. California didn't exist as California until 1850. The mission system in California changed hands from Spain to Mexico.

The area given up by Mexico after the Mexican war was known as?

The Mexican Cession or the Mexican States of Alta California and Nuevo Mexico.

The acquisition of New Mexico and California in 1848?

The acquisition of New Mexico and California is called the Mexican Cession of 1848. The Mexican Cession also included California, Nevada, and Utah.

What was the Major domestic consequence of the Mexican war?

Mexico lost much of its territory. Taxes were lowered which were high under the Mexican government.

What were the lands gained from the Mexican American war?

The only land that was stolen from Mexico was Texas the others were fought for or bought!