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Lawrence Augustine Washington died in 1824.

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Q: When did Lawrence Augustine Washington die?
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When was Lawrence Augustine Washington born?

Lawrence Augustine Washington was born in 1774.

Who is George Washington's brother?

Washington had two older half-brothers: Lawrence and Augustine, Jr. "Austin" and four younger siblings: Samuel, Betty, Charles, and John Augustine "Jack".

When did Augustine Washington die?

Augustine Washington died on April 23, 1743

How many half brothers did George Washington have?

2 Lawrence and Augustine

Who was George Washington's brother?

Lawrence Washington... he was, the uncle of our country.

What was Washington's half brother's name?

He had two half-brothers , Lawrence and Augustine.

Who were Augustine Washington's parents?

Augustine Washington's parents' names are Lawrence Washington, who was member of the Virginia House of Burgesses and a militia captain, and Mildred Warner. His paternal grandparents are John Washington and Anne Pope.

Who was the oldest of George Washington's siblings?

George's half-brother Lawrence Washington (born 1718) was the oldest of Augustine Washington's six sons. Geiorge (born 1732) was the oldest of the four sons of Augustine's second wife, Mary Ball.

Did George Washington have siblings?

Washington was the oldest child of his father and his father's first wife, Mary Ball Washington. He had a number of siblings and step-siblings from his father's second marriage.George washington had nine siblings: Lawrence, Augustine, Elizabeth, Samuel, John augustine, Mildred, Butler, Jane, and Charles.

Did George Washington have a half brother names Butler?

No- his half-brothers were Lawrence and Augustine .

When did John Thornton Augustine Washington die?

John Thornton Augustine Washington died on 1841-10-09.

Who was Augustine Washington's father's name?

He was a son of Lawrence Washington (1659–1698) , a militia captain and a member of the Virginia House of Burgesses, and Mildred Warner.