The total distance from Washington, DC to Charleston, SC is 452 miles. This is equivalent to 727 kilometers or 393 nautical miles.Your travel direction from Washington, District of Columbia to Charleston, South Carolina is South (-158 degrees from North). The distance calculator measures the straight line flight distance ("as the crow flies") between points. It uses the great circle formula to compute the travel mileage. You can also use this data to calculate the flight emissions from Washington, DC to Charleston, SC to determine your carbon footprint. The driving distance from Washington, DC to Charleston, SC is 535 miwith a driving time of about 8 hours 32 mins. You can get driving directions from Washington, DC to Charleston, SC using Google Maps, or find out how much it would cost to drive from Washington, DC to Charleston, SC.
It is about 525 miles.
The address of the College Of Charleston Foundation is: 66 George Street, Charleston, SC 29424
I-26 West to I-95 North
what is the elevation for Charleston SC
Charleston (SC) to Columbia (SC) = distance = 162 Km
about 9 miles
Charleston International Airport - Charleston, SC (CHS / KCHS) which is about 13 driving miles from Charleston Harbor.
There are a number of websites one can visit to make a reservation to the Charleston Hotel in SC. One can book online through the Marriott website or use Expedia.
The driving distance from Charleston, South Carolina to Hagerstown, Maryland is 600 miles.
Please provide airports close to Charleston, SC.
The driving distance between Charleston, Sc and Bluffton, Sc is about 2 hours and 15 minutes.