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It depends which army you are referring to. However a new contract will be written and will quite likely cover length of service which will take effect from the date of commission.

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Q: When army enlisted soldiers become officer s do they have to extend their contract?
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Can you become a Marine officer after enlisting?

Yes, you can become a Marine officer after enlisting. It is a program called the Enlisted Commissioning Progam.

When enlisted active duty member become Officers do the years they already served as enlisted count towards their officer pay?

Yes, if you have previously served as enlisted, the years you served will count and be added to your officer pay.

Can a enlisted soldier become a commission officer?

Yes, it is possible for an enlisted soldier to become a commissioned officer. This can be achieved through various paths, such as attending Officer Candidate School (OCS), completing a Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) program, or transferring from enlisted to officer through specific programs like Army Green to Gold or Air Force Officer Training School (OTS). The process typically involves meeting certain requirements, completing a commissioning program, and successfully completing officer training.

Can enlisted marine switch to air force officer?

No. The only way to become an Air Force officer after being an enlisted Marine is to finish your contract and join the Air Force. Of course, you must have your degree to become a commissioned officer in any branch of service and the maximum age is 23 to enroll in a military prep school and be an officer. It can be difficult to move up the ranks so when you switch, you will lose your rank and that might not be (for lack of a better word) "motivating" for you.

Is it true that if you go to college to be an officer and try to become a Navy SEAL it's more difficult than enlisting because the demand for enlisted is higher?

Yes, it is more difficult for an officer to become a SEAL than an enlisted person to do so.

What is an enlisted marine?

It is an individual who enlisted in th Marine Corps and has completed boot camp. Until that moment he or she was a Recruit. When they graduate they become Marines.The denotation "enlisted" is in contrast with a commisioned officer. enlisted work for a living

Do college graduates have to become an officer in the marine corps or can they go enlisted as well?

You can certainly enlist with a college degree. There is no limitation that says you can't do so. But you are likely to be encouraged to become an officer.

If you become an army officer after college do you have to go to army bootcamp for training?

Yes, if you become an army officer after college, you will still have to attend officer training, which is different from enlisted boot camp. Officer training focuses on leadership, management, and specialized skills required for officer roles in the military. It is typically a more intensive and longer program compared to basic training for enlisted personnel.

Do you need a degree to become a military police officer?

Hard to clarify if a "Military Police Officer" refers to an Enlisted MP or an MP, who is also an officer (as in a Lieutenant (or higher).In short, just to be an Enlisted Military Police. You need to complete Basic Training, and the MP Job Training that the military provides; however, you do NOTneed a college degree.To be an Officer (Lieutenant +) in the military, who is an MP, you would need to complete the officer's academy.

Do you still have to go through basic training to become a registered nurse in the military?

You would go through OBT - Officer Basic Training. There are no enlisted nurses.